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Monday, November 4, 2019

Research Methodology Workshop @ SJCC, Bangalore

Dear Sir/ Mam 


The Research Centre of St. Joseph's College of Commerce (Autonomous) Bengaluru, Karnataka Organises a "National Level One Week Experiential Workshop on Research Methodology" during December 3-9, 2019. 

The workshop aims at orienting young researchers in social sciences and humanities (such as Commerce, Management, Economics, Political Science Social Work and Sociology) to the methods of research analysis, and structuring and writing publishable research outputs.

Objectives: The workshop aims at enhancing the capacity of the faculty members and research scholars in the Social Sciences and allied disciplines, Attempts would be made to enhance their capacity to conduct quality research; to develop skills for adopting appropriate research designs and data analysis. 

Pedagogy: Apart from the interactive classroom lectures, the participants will have opportunities to get hands on practical training in the use of statistical tools.  Participants will get the opportunity to interact closely with the resource persons of the workshop and receive personal guidance.

The subthemes of the work-shop

  • Introduction to Social Science Research Methodological Perspectives
  • Steps in Research Process: Formulation and Planning
  • Systematic Review of Literature and Reference Management 
  • E-resources and their effective use in Scholarly Writing 
  • Research Designs, Methods & Tools of Data Collection
  • Measurement and Scaling Techniques -Sampling Techniques
  • Correlation & Multiple Linear Regression Analysis
  • Time Series Analysis, Structural Equation Model (SEM )
  • Research Integrity: Prevention of Plagiarism Check using Research Tools: Mendeley, Grammarly, Research Proposal and Scientific Writing

  • Eligibility Criteria: Young researchers and teachers affiliated to colleges, universities or research organisations and those pursuing or preparing for their Ph.D or M.Phil Courses are eligible to apply. Other young researchers outside academic arena but engaged in socio-economic research (such as consultants, activists and NGO functionaries) are also encouraged to apply; a limited number of such applications may be considered in deserving cases. Young candidates who are presently pursuing research and have less exposure to Research Methodology will be given preference.

Seats: Total No. of seats 30. Limited Seats, registration will be on a first come-first served basis.

Registration Fees: For Research Scholars Rs. 3, 000 Academicians Rs. 4,000.

Registration fee can be remitted by way of Demand Draft drawn in the name of 'The Principal, St. Joseph's College of Commerce', payable at Bangalore.

Electronic Transfer Details: Participants can also remit the registration fee by Bank Transfer to the below given bank account:

Banking Details

Savings bank account



Account Name

Bangalore Jesuit Educational Society

Account Number



The South Indian Bank,

Brigade Road Branch, Brigade Road, Bangalore – 560 025.

How to apply: Online Registration link: Please click below given link for online registration:

Last date to receive the application 20th November 2019.

Travel and Lodging: Boarding and lodging will be provided to the outstation participants during the workshop.  Accommodation shall be provided to the outstation participants, Rs 750/- per person, per day will be charged separately.

For any further queries you may contact

Dr.D.Raja Jebasingh - Asst Director Research & Organizing Secretary +91 9886987978

Dr. Deepika Joshi - Convenor: +91 9968805266

National Workshop on Research Methodology

St.Joseph's College of Commerce (Autonomous)

163, Brigade Road, Bengaluru-560025. Karnataka.

E-mail: /

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