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Saturday, November 2, 2019

19th ATHENS - GREECE International Conference on Arts, Languages, Literature and Social Sciences (ALLSS-20)

19th ATHENS - GREECE International Conference on Arts, Languages, Literature and Social Sciences (ALLSS-20)
January 15-17, 2020
Athens, Greece

Web address:

---Email Full-length Papers/Short Papers/Reviews/Survey/Abstracts/Posters
---All papers will be published in a printed conference proceedings with valid International ISBN number and ONLINE DOI-INDEXED Proceedings/ ISSN Journal.
---All accepted papers can be published in Elsevier's SCOPUS Indexed /ISI Thomson ESCI Indexed Journal with extra charges (Optional)

---SUBMISSION METHODS through Email:

Arts - Anthropology - Art History - Arts - English - History - Information science - Interdisciplinary studies - Islamic Studies - Language - Linguistics - Literature - Local Government - Multidisciplinary Studies - Museums and heritage - Music - Occupational Science - Philosophy - Poetry - Politics - Psychology Religious studies - Social Sciences - Sociology
- Children and Youth - Communications and Media - Complex System - Conflict resolution - Creativity - Culture - Disaster Management - Discourse - Film studies - Gender studies - GLBT Studies - Globalization - HIV/AIDS - Human Rights - Identity - Leadership - Memory - Poverty - Public Policy - Sexuality and eroticism - Spirituality - Sport science - Sustainable development - Tourism - Urban studies - Violence - and other related TOPICS

CONFERENCE VENUE (Final and Booked)
Hotel Titania Athens
Adress: Panepistimiou 52, Athens 10678 - Greece
Hotel Telephone: +30 210 3326222

Web address:
Sponsored by: International Forum on Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences  

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