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Monday, November 18, 2019

7th International Conference on Gender and Women's Studies 2020 (GWS2020)

Dear Colleague,

7th International Conference on Gender and Women's Studies 2020 (GWS2020)
15-16 June 2020 - Singapore

Unique Conferences Canada and International Center for Research and Development with their global conference partners wish to announce that the 7th International Conference on Gender and Women's Studies 2020 will be held on 15-16 June, 2020 in Singapore for the seventh time.

GWS2020 is a two day interactive international forum which will create a platform for Academics, Practitioners, Researchers, Professionals and students to come together, and review their research findings, exchange ideas and discuss emerging trends in Gender and Women's studies.

The abstracts of the registered presenters will be published in the printed conference book with an International Standard Book Number (ISBN) as well as online with the ISSN 2659-2460. The online publication will be forwarded for Indexing to ISI/Thomson Reuters. Also, the registered presenters will get the opportunity to submit their full papers to the journals mentioned in the conference website


- ISI/Thomson Reuters index Publication
- Four supporting journals (
- Skill development workshops (
- Global audience
- World class speakers
- Valuable certificate for presentation

You are cordially invited to submit an abstract to this important conference and to register for the conference in order to schedule your presentation and to get your abstract published. The early bird registration deadline is 30 December 2019.

For more details please visit the conference website:

Given below are some useful links:

Abstract Submission Guidelines:

Registration Details:


Abstracts Submission Deadline: 15 May 2020
Registration Deadline: 20 May 2020
Paper Submission Deadline: 30 May 2020

We hope to meet you in Singapore!

Best Wishes

Prabhath Patabendi
Convener - GWS2020
Web address:

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