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Thursday, February 8, 2018

The European Conference on Arts & Humanities (ECAH2018)

The Early Bird Submission Deadline is approaching! The International Academic Forum (IAFOR) and the ECAH2018 Organising Committee invite you to join us in Brighton, UK for the The European Conference on Arts & Humanities 2018 (ECAH2018). Submit your abstract and join us as a presenter or attend as an audience member at this international, intercultural and interdisciplinary event. See the website for complete details.

***Conference Theme – "Fearful Futures"

We have reached a moment in international history that is one of potential paradigm shift. It is a moment when a problematic, but at least blandly progressivist, pro-multiculturalist movement toward "cosmopolitanism" (as Kwame Anthony Appiah might use the term) is being threatened by a far more destructive and potentially genocidal ethno-nationalism, the ferocity of which is fuelled by economic disparity, religious intolerance and retrograde ideologies regarding gender, race and sexuality. The possible global futures we face are fearful, indeed, and in an era of information and disinformation, fake news, and hysterical polemic, are sometimes made out to be inevitable.

In this context, the arts, humanities, media and cultural studies play an important role in tracing the genealogy of the present moment, documenting it, and charting different paths forward, inviting such questions as how does culture replicate itself (or critically engage itself) in the classroom, in literature, in social media, in film, in the visual and theatrical arts, in the family, and among peer groups? How do we rise to the challenge of articulating a notion of human rights that also respects cultural difference? How do cultural representations of the environment abet or challenge the forces driving climate change? What are the roles and responsibilities of the individual activist as teacher, writer, artist, social scientist and community member? What are the responsibilities of both traditional and non-traditional media? How do we make sense of the ideologies driving hatred and intolerance, and posit different models of social engagement and organisation? Looking to the past, what do we learn about the challenges of today?

This international and interdisciplinary conference will bring together a range of academics, independent researchers, artists and activists to explore the challenges that we face in the twenty-first century. In the hackneyed While we have every right to fear the future, we also have agency in creating that future. Can we commit to a cosmopolitanism that celebrates difference and that challenges social inequity? On our ability to answer to that question affirmatively likely hangs our very survival.

The organisers encourage submissions that approach the conference theme from a variety of perspectives. However, the submission of other topics for consideration is welcome and we also encourage sessions within and across a variety of interdisciplinary and theoretical perspectives.

The European Conference on Arts & Humanities 2018 (ECAH2018) will be held alongside The European Conference on Media, Communication & Film 2018 (EuroMedia2018). Registration for either conference will allow delegates to attend sessions in the other.

In conjunction with our Global Partners, including the University of Sussex and Birkbeck, University of London, we look forward to extending you a warm welcome in 2018.

– The ECAH2018 Organising Committee

Professor Anne Boddington, University of Brighton, UK
Professor Donald E. Hall, Lehigh University, USA
Professor Gary E. Swanson, University of Northern Colorado, USA (fmr.)
Dr Joseph Haldane, The International Academic Forum (IAFOR), Japan
Dr James Rowlins, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore

***Key Information
Venue & Location: The Jurys Inn Brighton Waterfront, Brighton, UK
Dates: Monday, July 09, 2018 to Tuesday, July 10, 2018
Conference Theme: "Fearful Futures"
Early Bird Abstract Submission Deadline: February 20, 2018*
Early Bird Abstract Registration Deadline: March 23, 2018*
Final Abstract Submission Deadline: April 20, 2018
Registration Deadline for Presenters: May 23, 2018
*Submit early to take advantage of the discounted registration rates. Learn more about our registration options.


***Call for Papers –

The conference theme for ECAH is "Fearful Futures", and the organisers encourage submissions that approach this theme from a variety of perspectives. However, the submission of other topics for consideration is welcome and we also encourage sessions across a variety of interdisciplinary and theoretical perspectives.

Submissions are organised into the following thematic streams. Abstracts can be submitted through the conference website:

– Teaching and Learning the Arts
– Arts Policy, Management and Advocacy
– Arts Theory and Criticism
– Social, Political and Community Agendas in the Arts
– Visual Arts Practices
– Performing Arts Practices: Theater, Dance, Music
– Literary Arts Practices
– Media Arts Practices: Television, Multimedia, Digital, Online and Other New Media
– Other Arts

– Media, Film Studies, Theatre, Communication
– Aesthetics, Design
– Language, Linguistics
– Knowledge
– Philosophy, Ethics, Consciousness
– History, Historiography
– Literature/Literary Studies*
– Political Science, Politics
– Teaching and Learning
– Globalisation
– Ethnicity, Difference, Identity
– Immigration, Refugees, Race, Nation
– First Nations and Indigenous Peoples
– Sexuality, Gender, Families
– Religion, Spirituality
– Cyberspace, Technology
– Science, Environment and the Humanities
– Other Humanities

Submit your abstract:

To find out about registration packages, presentation options, conference events and more, please visit the conference website:


***IAFOR's Grants and Scholarships

For information about IAFOR's grants and scholarships for PhD students and early career academics, please visit:


***IAFOR Publishing Opportunities

**Peer-Reviewed Journal: IAFOR Journal of Arts & Humanities

The IAFOR Journal of Arts & Humanities ( is an editorially independent journal associated with IAFOR's conferences on education. The editor of the journal will select the strongest papers from associated Conference Proceedings and open call for consideration. This Open Access journal, which conforms to the highest academic standards, reflects the interdisciplinary and international nature of our conferences.

**Conference Proceedings

After having your abstract accepted and presenting your research at the conference, you are encouraged to submit a full paper for inclusion in the official Conference Proceedings. Our Conference Proceedings are Open Access research repositories that act as permanent records of the research generated by IAFOR conferences. Further details are available here:


THINK (, The Academic Platform, is IAFOR's online magazine, publishing the latest in interdisciplinary research and ideas from some of the world's foremost academics, many of whom have presented at IAFOR conferences. Content is varied in both subject and form, with everything from full research papers to shorter opinion pieces, interviews and media-themed articles.


***Join IAFOR at ECAH2018 to:

– Present to a global audience
– Have your work published in the Conference Proceedings and considered for peer-reviewed, Open Access journals
– Hear about the latest interdisciplinary research in Arts and Humanities
– Participate in a truly international, interdisciplinary and intercultural event
– Take part in interactive audience sessions
– Network with international colleagues

**Register now to take advantage of Early Bird Registration prices. Early Bird Registration is open until the end of March 23, 2018. Lunch is included in all conference registrations.

Please see the registration page for details:

*If you have attended an IAFOR conference within the past year, or belong to an affiliated university or institution, we offer additional discounts in appreciation of your support. Please contact us at for details.


***About IAFOR

The International Academic Forum (IAFOR) is a research organisation, conference organiser and publisher dedicated to encouraging interdisciplinary discussion, facilitating intercultural awareness and promoting international exchange, principally through educational exchange and academic research.

To learn more about IAFOR, please visit

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