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Monday, February 12, 2018

8th International Conference on Languages, Education, Humanities and Social Sciences (LEHSS-2018-LONDON)

8th International Conference on Languages, Education, Humanities and Social Sciences (LEHSS-2018-LONDON)
28th to 29th March 2018
London, United Kingdom

New Submissions are OPEN !!! Submit Now and get acceptance in 5 working Days!!!
Full-length Papers/Short Papers/Posters/Abstracts can be submitted before Feb. 1, 2018 (EARLY BIRD)

FEE (early bird)
Author (Student/Co-author/Listener): USD 195
Author (Non-Student): USD 250

All papers of LEHSS-2018-LONDON will be published in the printed conference proceedings with valid International ISBN number & ONLINE DOI-INDEXED Proceedings/ ISSN Journal. The paper may be published in SCOPUS/ISI Thomson with extra charges

- Anthropology
- Art History
- Arts
- English
- History
- Information science
- Interdisciplinary studies
- Islamic Studies
- Language
- Linguistics
- Literature
- Local Government
- Multidisciplinary Studies
- Museums and heritage
- Music
- Occupational Science
- Philosophy
- Poetry
- Politics
- Psychology
- Religious studies
- Social Sciences
- Sociology

- Distance Education
- E-learning
- Higher Education
- Lifelong Learning
- Teaching and Learning

- Children and Youth
- Communications and Media
- Complex Systems
- Conflict resolution
- Creativity
- Culture
- Disaster Management
- Discourse
- Film studies
- Gender studies
- GLBT Studies
- Globalization
- Human Rights
- Identity
- Leadership
- Memory
- Poverty
- Public Policy
- Sexuality and eroticism
- Spirituality
- Sport science
- Sustainable development
- Tourism
- Urban studies
- Violence

1. Email:
2. Electronic Submission System ( .doc/.docx/.pdf formats):

Web address:
Sponsored by: International Forum on Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

Scientific Awards
The following "Scientific Awards" will be given to the studies which will be selected by the committee among the presented papers/posters presented in the Conference and applied for the award.
- Best Paper Awards
- The Researcher of the Year Award
- The Young Researcher of the Year Award
- Best Oral Presentation Award
- Best Visual Presentation Award
For the academics in Turkey: Bu ödüller, Akademik Te?vik Yönetmeli?inde Akademik Etkinlik ve Puan Tablosunun 9. maddesinden dolay? "Uluslararas? Bilim ve Sanat Ödülleri" kapsam?nda de?erlendirilebilir.
(For the academics in Turkey: These awards can be evaluated within the scope of "International Science and Art Awards" due to Article 9 of the Academic Achievement and Score Table in the Academic Incentive Regulation)

Venue (FIXED)
Holiday Inn Express London - Heathrow T5
Address: London Rd, Slough SL3 8QB, United Kingdom
Phone:+44 1753 684001 (Atten. Ms. Ashlee Paris)
Hotel Email:

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