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Wednesday, February 7, 2018

International Conference @ UTKAL UNIVERSITY

Organized Jointly by
UTKAL UNIVERSITY ON 16 February, 2018




Contemporary Asia is in the middle of a historic transformation. If it continues to follow its recent trajectory, by 2050 Asia would regain the dominant economic position it held some 300 years ago, before the industrial revolution, thereby realizing the 'Asian Century' dream. In this regard, strong Indo-Japanese ties are a major step.


The friendship between India and Japan has a long history rooted in spiritual affinity and strong cultural and civilization ties. The modern nation states have carried on the positive legacy of the old association which has been strengthened by shared values, belief in democracy, individual freedom and the rule of law. Over the years, the two countries have built upon these values and created a partnership based on both principle and pragmatism. Today, India is the largest democracy in Asia and Japan the most prosperous. Relations between the two nations reached a brief low in 1998 as a result of Pokhran-II. Relations improved exponentially following this period, as bilateral ties between the two nations improved once again, to the point where the Japanese Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe was to be the chief guest at India's 2014 Republic Day parade.


Prime Minister Modi has maintained good ties with the Japanese PM Shinzo Abe. During his 2014 visit to Japan, the two sides decided to upgrade the relationship to a 'Special Strategic and Global Partnership' and launched an India–Japan Investment Promotion Partnership. The recent visit by Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to  India on September 13, 2017 to attend the 12th edition of the India-Japan Annual Summit meeting  and   review the progress in the multifaceted co-operation between India and Japan under the framework of their 'Special Strategic and Global Partnership', has brought both nations closer.  Further, Japan envisages a strategy whereby Australia, India, Japan, and the US form a diamond to safeguard the maritime commons stretching from the Indian Ocean region to the western Pacific. One of the motives of this proposed security diamond is to curb China's increasingly expansionist attitude in the South China Sea region -- something that directly affects Japan.


It is against this politico-strategic backdrop and India's redefinition of its ties with its neighbours in South Asia and larger neighbourhood in Asia, that Indo-Japanese relations needs to be re-examined and strengthened to make possible the 21st century as the 'Asian Century'.

The present International Seminar is an attempt in this direction to explore Indo: Japanese ties in the following fields.



·         India's Foreign Policy Towards Japan: Recent Trends

·         Indo-Japan: Security Issues

·         Indo-Japan : Economic and Commercial Cooperation

·         Indo-Japan: Cooperation in Science & Technology

·         Culture & Diaspora in India and Japan


Papers are invited from academics, researchers, policy makers, members of the civil society and young research scholars revolving around but not restricted to the following sub-themes.

Dates to remember:

 Last date for Abstract Submission: 10th February, 2018

Announcement of List of Selected Abstracts: 12th February, 2018

Last date for Receipt of Filled-in Registration Forms: 10th February, 2018

Last date for Submission of Full Papers: 15th February, 2018


Abstracts of the papers (Max. 250 words) with 5 keywords describing the subject matter and full papers (Max. 6000 words or 6-7 typed pages ) in Word format in Times New Roman, 12 font size and 1.5 line spacing, on any of the sub themes as mentioned above are invited to be submitted on or before the last dates to


NB: This time we are planning to bring out a Conference Proceedings with ISBN no. with an International Publisher. So, full papers are solicited on or before 15th February, 2018.



Registration Fee: Rs. 300/- (includes Seminar materials, Printed Certificate, tea and lunch)

Participants and Paper presenters have to submit a copy of their Filled-in Registration Forms (FIRF) and deposit registration fee on or before 10th February, 2018 to make their participation confirm. 

On-line Registration is mandatory for all paper presenters, participants.





Dr. Smita Nayak                               Dr. Prasanna Kumar Patra       Dr. Seema Mallik                                                               

HOD   &                                            HOD & Co-Coordinator            Organizing Secretary

Conference Director                        Japanese Language                     Dept. of Pol. Science              

Department of Political Science     Pilot Project

Utkal University                              Dept of Anthropology                                                                                                  









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