PSYCHODYNAMICS IN TIMES OF AUSTERITY 18th to 20th May 2018 Lisbon, Portugal Psychodynamics in Times of Austerity, a Psychoanalysis and Politics spring symposium in the rooms of the Portuguese Psychoanalytical Society, May 18th-20th 2018, Avenida da República 97, 50 , 1050-190, Lisboa The programme has been published on the website, and you can sign up to come along to participate in the discussions: The early bird fee applies until the end of February. (Please do not suggest presenting a paper - the programme is now full. However, the conference is kept fairly small, and there will be ample opportunity for active participation in the dialogues.) If you would like to be kept informed about future conferences, events and publications, you can fill out this on the webpage: PROGRAMME FRIDAY 18th 09.00-09.30 Opening address with presentation round 09.30-10.20 TERESA SANTOS NEVES/ CARLOS FERRAZ – When Shock is not Shocking: Psychodynamcis Underlying the Acceptance of Austerity 10.30-11.20 LENE AUESTAD – Austerity, Time and the Common World 11.30-12.20 DUARTE ROLO – Psychoanalysis and Social Suffering: From Psychologisation to Politisation 12.30-13.20 RENÉE DANZIGER – We're All in This Together: The Myth of Austerity 13.20-15.00 Lunch 15.00-15.50 SVEIN HAUGSGJERD – Neo-liberalism as a Psycho-Political Régime 16.00-16.50 ZELJKA MATIJAŠEVI – The Reduction of Melancholy to Depression: What is Being Lost? 17.00-17.50 NAYLA DEBS – Clinical Practice in Neoliberal Times: Individual Distress, Global Precariousness and the Need to Define New Forms of Materialism 18.00-18.50 RAFAEL DAUD – Anorexia as Austerity's Other Side of the Coin SATURDAY 19th 09.00-09.50 SAMIR GANDESHA – The Authoritarian Personality Reconsidered 10.00-10.50 JAMIE STEELE – Can Psychoanalysis save us from this Pain? Reflections on Moving Through a Sociology of Sadistic Privilege 11.00-11.50 PHILIP HEWITT – Austerity as a Governing Mental State 12.00-12.50 SZYMON WRÓBEL – Productivity of Poverty. Managing Poverty in Philosophy from Benjamin and Heidegger to Agamben, Negri and Hardt 12.50-14.30 Lunch 14.30-15.20 EFI KOUTANTOU – Loss and Trauma during the Greek Crisis: A Collapse of an Ideal? 15.30-16.20 MARINA PRENTOULIS – Violent Encounters: 'Acting Out' before redrawing the Political Frontiers 16.30-17.20 ANDREAS MURRAY – Political Extremism and Religious Terror 17.30-18.20 JENYU PENG – Utopian Imagination as a Way of Revolt against Realpolitik. Reflections upon the Sunflower Movement in Taiwan (Joint dinner, covered by the organizers, in the evening) SUNDAY 20th 09.00-09.50 EVELINE LIST – Austerity: Economic Theory, Mainstream Ideology and Psycho-Social Reality 10.00-10.50 LINDEN WEST – Austerity and Austere Psychoanalysis? Challenging Boundaries between Psychoanalysis, Zombie Economics and a New Politics 11.00-11.50 TOMASZ KUDELSKI – Some Thoughts on Political Developments in Europe in Times of Austerity: Political Dynamics as a Reflection on a Group Level of 'the Internal Mafia Gang' Organization of the Personality 12.00-12.50 CHIARA ALFANO – Sucking on the Public Teat: Welfare and Austerity in Shakespeare's Coriolanus and Post WW2 Britain 12.50-14.30 Lunch 14.30-15.20 EDWARD WEISBAND – Austerity, Thy Name be Narcissus, Thy Face be Three Vanities: Digital Selfie Narcissism, Populist Identitarian Narcissism, and Avaricious Authoritarian Narcissism 15.30-16.20 VERA WARCHAVCHIK – Austerity as Enjoyment 16.30-17.20 Closing discussion, feedback about the conference About the presenters CHIARA ALFANO, Leverhulme Early Career Fellow, Kingston University, London LENE AUESTAD, PhD, prev. Research Fellow, Philosophy, University of Oslo, Norway/UK RENÉE DANZIGER, D. Phil., Psychoanalyst, Fellow, British Psychoanalytical Society RAFAEL DAUD, Psychoanalyst, Master of Social Psychology, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, Fórum do CAmpo Lacaniano, São Paulo NAYLA DEBS, PhD candidate, Psychoanalytic studies, Paris-Diderot University/clinical psychologist, Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, Paris, France CARLOS FERRAZ, Psychoanalyst, Portuguese Psychoanalytic Society SAMIR GANDESHA, Associate Professor, Department of the Humanities, Director, Institute for the Humanities, Simon Fraser University, Canada SVEIN HAUGSGJERD, Psychoanalyst, Norwegian Psychoanalytic Society PHILIP HEWITT, Psychotherapist, British Psychotherapy Foundation, UK EFI KOUTANTOU, PhD Candidate, Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Studies Department, University of Essex, UK TOMASZ KUDELSKI, Psychoanalyst, Polish Psychoanalytical Society EVELINE LIST, University Professor, History department, Psychoanalyst/ training analyst (IPA), Vienna, Austria ZELJKA MATIJAŠEVI, Professor, Comparative Literature, Head of the Comparative Literature Department, University of Zagreb, Croatia TERESA SANTOS NEVES, PhD, Psychoanalyst, Portuguese Psychoanalytic Society ANDREAS MURRAY, Psychoanalyst, Swedish Psychoanalytical Society JENYU PENG, Institute of Ethnology, Academica Sinica, Taiwan MARINA PRENTOULIS, Senior Lecturer in Politics and Media, University of East Anglia, UK DUARTE ROLO, Université Paris Descartes, France JAMIE STEELE, Licenced Marriage and Family Therapist, Civil and Domestic Mediator, Emory University Psychoanalytic Institute VERA WARCHAVCHIK, Psychoanalyst, Lecturer, Institute Sedes Sapientae Sao Paulo, Brazil EDWARD WEISBAND, Dr Diggs Endowed Chair Professor, Dep. of Political Science, Virginia Tech, USA LINDEN WEST, Professor, Faculty of Education, Canterbury Christ Church University, UK SZYMON WRÓBEL, Professor of Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences and Faculty of "Artes Liberales", University of Warsaw, Poland The conference lasts for three full days, from about 9 am until about 6 pm Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The time frame for each paper is 30 min for the presentation itself + 20 min for discussion, 50 min in total, and with a 10 min break in between each paper. This is an interdisciplinary conference. Perspectives from different psychoanalytic schools will be most welcome. We promote discussion among the presenters and participants; the symposium series creates a space where representatives of different perspectives come together, engage with one another's contributions and participate in a community of thought. Therefore, attendance of the whole symposium is obligatory. Due to the nature of the forum audio recording is not permitted. This is a relatively small symposium where active participation is encouraged and an enjoyable social atmosphere is sought. A participation fee, which includes a shared dinner with wine, of € 299 before March 1st 2018 – € 377 between March 1st 2018 and April 10th 2018 – € 455 after April 10th, is to be paid before the symposium. Fees must be paid via Picatic. (Transaction fees are not included in the price). Unfortunately, we are unable to offer travel grants or other forms of financial assistance for this event, though we will be able to assist you in finding affordable accommodation after February 1st... Please contact us if you wish to make a donation towards the conference. We thank all donors in advance! We would like to thank the Portuguese Psychoanalytical Society. Psychoanalysis and Politics is an international and interdisciplinary conference series, registered as a non-profit organization in Noway with the 998 503 221. The conferences take place in different countries and locations - a community of thought since 2010. Webpage: Enquiries: psychoanalysis.politics@gmail. Web address: |
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Monday, February 19, 2018
Psychodynamics in Times of Austerity
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