Call for Papers: Prof. H. N. Tripathi Foundation National Conference on
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Changing Paradigm of Environment Protection In India [March 18, BHU, Varanasi]: Submit by Feb 27
Prof. H. N. Tripathi Foundation BHU, Varanasi is organising National Conference on Changing Paradigm of Environment Protection In India
K.N. Uduppa Auditorium, I.M.S. Banaras Hindu University (B.H.U.), Varanasi
18 March 2018
About the foundation
Prof. Harihar Nath Tripathi was a renowned political scientist, an academic leader by excellence and a social reformer by destiny. Prof. Harihar Nath Tripathi Foundation (A Society registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860) Registration No. 1355/2013-14 is established in memory of the great political scientist with the sole objective of continuing his mission in an organised manner and to fulfil his cherished dreams.
Prof. H. N. Tripathi was also in close aide, association of many educationists, politicians, social reformers, civil servants, foreign ambassadors. He was amongst one of the close associate to:
Late Shankar Dayal Sharma, Former President of India.
Late Gaini Zail Singh, Former President of India.
Late Mrs. Indira Gandhi, Late Rajiv Gandhiji, Former P.M.of India.
About The Conference
Climate change raises significant social, environmental and legal challenges. The governance system applying to climate change is complex and multi-level. A central issue in international law and policy is how countries of the world should allocate the burden of addressing global climate change. Countries around the world are taking important domestic actions to help tackle the issue of climate change.
In particular, we would like to think through the following issues and see how the human condition is being re-imagined today in humanistic studies:
- Historical and political implications of the idea of the "Anthropocene".
- The problem of scale in the study of human societies, past, present, and future.
- Capitalism and sustainability.
- The unsustainable distinction between natural and human histories.
- Rights, agency, justice, and politics in an age of climate change,
- Human responsibility towards life.
- Environment Protection - Legal and Human Rights Perspective
- Biodiversity and Wild life Protection
- Biotechnology, food security and its impact on Environment
- Sustainable Development and Disaster Management
- E-Waste and its Impact on Environment
- Bioterrorism and its Impact on Environment
- Technology and its impact on Environment
- Role of IPR Vis-a Vis Environment protection.
- Role of Indian Religions, Cultures and Traditions in the Protection of Environment
- Constitutional Perspective of Indian Environmental Laws
- Efficacy and Compliance of Indian Environmental Laws and Policies
- Role of panchayats in environmental protection.
- Innovative Modes of Reduction of Emission of Greenhouse Gases
- Role of National Green Tribunal (NGT) in the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution.
- National Effects to Combat the Problem of Climate Change.
- Soil health
- Ecosystem restoration
- Biodiversity conservation
- Role of microbes in keeping environment clean
- Agricultural practices for sustainable environment
- Role of Genetically Modified Seeds in development
- Use of bio manure in farming and large scale agriculture
- Role of biotech in protection of environment and surroundings
- Medico-legal aspect of environment and general public health
- Medical problems and causes due to environment
Submission Guidelines
Abstracts not exceeding 300 words on any of the aforesaid themes should be sent to the Organizing Secretary through email at on or before 28th February 2018
- Intimation of Acceptance of Abstract within 3- 4 working day of submission (if accepted).
- All Papers and Abstracts shall be sent via e-mail to as an attachment, the subject of which should mention 'ABSTRACT SUBMISSION' or 'PAPER SUBMISSION' accordingly.
- Co-authorship up to two is allowed with separate registration.
- Both the Abstracts and Final Papers should mandatorily have Cover Page which clearly indicates the following-
* Name of the author(s)
* Designation of the author(s)
* Contact details of the author(s)
* Email Id(s) of the author(s)
Paper Guidelines
- Full length research paper, maximum in 6 pages should be submitted latest by
3rd March 2018 through email at
- The participants are expected to avoid plagiarism as far as possible and submit original papers only. Thus, any previously published material shall not be accepted.
- All Papers should be submitted in
* Font Type : Times New Roman
* Font Size : 12 pts
* Line spacing : 1.5 spacing
* Alignment : Justified
* Bluebook (19th Ed.) Citation Format
Important Dates
Submission of Abstract not more than 200-300 words
28th February 2018
Last date of intimation of acceptance of abstracts
1St March 2018
Submission of full Paper
3rd March 2018
Publication Opportunity
All papers accepted for the conference will be published (If not found fit for publication) in the international journal and edited books with ISSN/ISBN.
Faculties/Professionals/Studen ts/Research Scholars
Additional Paper by the same author.
Presentation of Paper in absentia or web conferencing
Note: The authors and Co-authors both must register separately
The registration fee includes kit, lunch, High Tea, entry to all Technical session, Certificates and local hospitality.
Free one-day Accommodation will be available to the limited no. of outstation Delegates at university guest house and nearby other guest houses/hotels around conference venue.
For further information and Latest Updates, Write us at or contact
- Adv. Rahul Mishra +91-9425844411
- Adv. Ayush Tripathi +91-8765214051
- Dheeraj Kumar Tiwari +91-7579006367
For details, view the brochure given here
Dr. K.M. Tripathi
Asst Prof.
Faculty of Law BHU
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