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Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Conference @ Ganpat University

International Conference on Emerging Management Perspectives, Practices and Research Trends on " Global Business Management" to be organized by Faculty of Management Studies, Ganapt University, India on March 17, 2018.

The brief details of the conference is as follow:

Research papers, conceptual papers (review of literature) and cases are invited from academicians, management consultants, research scholars, practicing managers and management students, which addresses the theme of the Conference. Papers should address a broader area of Global business management.


·            We invite academicians, management consultants, practicing professionals, and corporates.
Only original, unpublished work is sought.

·            Abstract (not exceeding 200 words) should reach us latest by February 16, 2018 in Microsoft

·            Word Format only.

·            The complete paper should reach us latest by March 08, 2018 in Microsoft Word Format only.

·            Kindly send your abstract and full paper to


Selected competitive papers will be considered for publication in the following peerreviewed journals subject to their own online submission and normal review process:

·         Journal of Global Marketing (Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group)

·         Journal of Indian Business Research (Emerald)

·         Ganpat Univereity FMS Journal of Management Research (GFJMR– UGC listed)

Yupal Shukla, PhD
Assistant Professor in Marketing Area

Best Regards,

Yupal Shukla, PhD
Assistant Professor in Marketing Area,
V. M. Patel Institute of Management,
New MBA Building,
Ganpat University, 
Ganpat Vidhyanagar, 384012
Mobile:-  (+91) 9979663904

Ganpat University 
Ganpat Vidyanagar, Mehsana-Gozaria Highway,
PO - 384012,North Gujarat, INDIA

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