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Wednesday, April 27, 2016

The Asian Conference on Education 2016 (ACE2016)

Join The International Academic Forum and delegates from around the world for The Eighth Annual Asian Conference on Education 2016 (ACE2016) and enjoy the beautiful and traditional city of Kobe, Japan.

Held alongside The Fourth Annual Asian Conference on Society, Education & Technology 2016 (ACSET2016) at the Art Center Kobe, Japan, from Thursday, October 20 - Sunday, October 23, 2016. Join us as we discuss this year's conference theme, Education and Social Justice: Educating for Equality Within and Across Borders" along with ACE2016 committee members, Professors Sue Jackson, Michiko Nakano, Barbara Lockee, Keith Miller, Robert Logie, invited speakers, and more!

This IAFOR conference welcomes submissions from all over the world and we encourage you to join us in Kobe, Japan to share your research and knowledge in an international, intercultural and interdisciplinary setting. To submit an abstract for presentation or participate as an audience member, please visit the website or contact us for more information.

Submission Deadline: June 20, 2016
Submit an abstract:
Visit the conference website:

***Join IAFOR at ACE2016 to:

-Deliver your research findings to a global audience
-Have your work published in the conference proceedings and considered for peer-reviewed, open access IAFOR Journals
-Benefit from IAFOR's interdisciplinary focus by hearing the latest research on Education, Society, Technology and more.
-Participate in a truly international, interdisciplinary and intercultural event
-Participate in interactive audience sessions
-Access international networking opportunities

*Discounts on registration fees are available for those able to pay registration fees early. Please see the registration page for details:

*If you have attended an IAFOR conference within the past year, or belong to an affiliated university or institution, we offer discounts in appreciation of your support. Please contact us for details.

*See the full schedule of our conferences in Japan, Dubai, Hawaii, Barcelona and the UK on our website.

***2016 Conference Theme: "Education and Social Justice: Educating for Equality Within and Across Borders"

IAFOR promotes and facilitates new multifaceted approaches to one of the core issues of our time, namely globalisation and its many forms of growth and expansion. Awareness of how it cuts across the world of education, and its subsequent impact on societies, institutions and individuals, is a driving force in educational policies and practices across the globe. IAFOR's Conferences on Education have these issues at their core. The conferences present those taking part with three unique dimensions of experience, encouraging interdisciplinary discussion, facilitating heightened intercultural awareness and promoting international exchange. In short, IAFOR's Conferences on Education are about change, transformation and social justice. As IAFOR's previous education conferences have shown, education has the power to transform and change whilst it is also continuously transformed and changed. The theme of education for social justice continues into 2016 in the Asian, European, Middle Eastern and North American Conferences on Education.

Globalised education systems are becoming increasingly socially, ethnically and culturally diverse. However, education is often defined through discourses embedded in Western paradigms as globalised education systems become increasingly determined by dominant knowledge economies. Policies, practices and ideologies of education help define and determine ways in which social justice is perceived and acted out. What counts as 'education' and as 'knowledge' can appear incontestable but is in fact both contestable and partial. Discourses of learning and teaching regulate and normalise gendered and classed, racialised and ethnicised understandings of what learning is and who counts as a learner.

In many educational settings and contexts throughout the world, there remains an assumption that teachers are the possessors of knowledge which is to be imparted to students, and that this happens in neutral, impartial and objective ways. However, learning is about making meaning, and learners can experience the same teaching in very different ways. Students (as well as teachers) are part of complex social, cultural, political, ideological and personal circumstances, and current experiences of learning will depend in part on previous ones, as well as on age, gender, social class, culture, ethnicity, varying abilities and more.

IAFOR has five annual education conferences, exploring common themes in different ways to develop a shared research agenda which develops interdisciplinary discussion, heightens intercultural awareness and promotes international exchange.

We expect the 2016 conference themes to inspire a number of research avenues, and look forward to discussing your ideas, findings and synergies.


-Educating through borders of power
-Transcending boundaries of 'self' and 'other'
-Challenging and transcending learning spaces
-Education and the boundaries of communication
-Borderlands of being and becoming

We hope and expect the 2016 conference themes to inspire a number of research avenues, and look forward to discussing ideas, findings and synergies, in this International Academic Forum.

Streams for submission can be found on the Call for Papers page of the conference website.

***ACE2016 Conference Chairs and Featured Speakers
To learn more about our chairs, invited speakers and their presentations, please visit the website:

Professor Peter McCagg
Keynote Speaker
Vice President for Academic Affairs, Akita International University

Professor Insung Jung
Keynote Speaker
Professor of Education, International Christian University, Japan

Dr. Jose McClanahan
Future Researchers Symposium Chair & Featured Speaker
Associate Professor of Spanish
Creighton University, USA

Professor Ted Oneill IAFOR Image
Featured Speaker
Professor, Gakushuin University, Japan

Professor Sue Jackson
IAFOR Interdisciplinary Programme Director for Education
Professor of Lifelong Learning and Gender
Pro-Vice Master of Teaching and Learning
Birkbeck, University of London, UK

Professor Michiko Nakano
Conference Co-Chair
Professor of English
Director of the Distance Learning Center
Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan

Professor Keith W. Miller
Conference Co-Chair
Orthwein Endowed Professor for Lifelong Learning in the Sciences
The University of Missouri, USA

Professor Barbara Lockee
IAFOR International Director of Programme for Technology, Education, Information and Society
Professor of Instructional Design and Technology
Virginia Tech, USA

Professor Robert Logie
Local Conference Chair
Professor of Computer Science
Osaka Gakuin University, Osaka, Japan

Professor Stuart Picken
Featured Panelist
Chairman of the IAFOR IAB

***About IAFOR and its events

IAFOR welcomes thousands of academics to our conferences each year, which range in size from around 100 to in excess of 500 attendees. They do so because of the supportive and nurturing research environment, because of the unique networking opportunities, and because of the strength of the organization's platform.

Our conferences are meticulously planned and programmed under the direction of prominent academics to ensure that they offer programs of the highest level, and are also quite unique in the way in which they are supported by some of the world's leading academic institutions, including the University of London (UK), Virginia Tech (USA), Monash University (Australia), Barcelona University (Spain), Waseda University (Japan), the National Institute of Education (Singapore), and The Hong Kong Institute of Education (HKSAR).

IAFOR's credibility has enabled it to become a genuine pioneer, and has grown to be the most respected and trusted organization encouraging international, intercultural and interdisciplinary study. The organization is a formative influence in providing new research avenues and visionary development solutions necessary in our rapidly emerging globalized world.

We welcome you to engage in this expanding global academic community of individuals and network of institutions, and look forward to seeing you at one of our future events, as we break new ground, together.

To learn more about IAFOR -

***ACE2016 is run in parallel with ACSET2016 and AURS2016. Registration for one allows delegates to attend presentation in the others.

To learn more about the paired events and IAFOR's other education conferences around the world, please see our Education Conferences page and join us in Japan, Dubai, the UK and the USA:

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