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Monday, April 11, 2016

Call for papers: 35th International Business Research Conference

FINAL Call for Papers

35th International Business Research Conference

Date: 30 – 31 May 2016

Venue: American University in the Emirates, Dubai, UAE

Organisers: American University in the Emirates, UAE
and World Business Institute, Australia

Submission Deadline: 25 April 2016

Registration Deadline: 16 May 2016



Conference Theme: "Strands of Development"

Theoretical and empirical papers relating to all broad areas of Accounting, Banking, Finance, Economics, Management and Marketing are invited for the above international conference jointly organized by the American University in the Emirates, Dubai, UAE and the World Business Institute of Australia. This conference is supported by international peer reviewed journals indexed by Ulrich, EBSCO of USA and ERA of Australia and ranked by Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC). Some of these journals are in the process of indexing by Scopus, ISI and Cabells of USA.


Please send full papers and/or abstracts by 25 April 2016 (please note you can submit papers any time before this deadline) via email address: All abstract and/or full papers must be prepared as per guidelines (see the link in the left-hand side of the website). Please include author title (such as Mr. Ms. Dr.), the name of author(s) and affiliation of the corresponding author, email address and the field/track of research in the paper itself. Papers which do not contain these information will not be considered for this conference. If you want to publish your paper in our journal, you must send us the full paper. Time taken to inform the review outcome is about 5 days for abstract and 10 days for full papers. Authors needing long time for funding approval must send at least their abstract up to 2 months before the submission deadline. All papers will be blind reviewed before they are accepted.


Best papers will be considered for publication in the following journals ranked by the Australian Business Deans Council ( Journal of Business & Policy Research, Global Economy and Finance Journal, International Review of Business Research Papers, World Journal of Management and Global Review of Accounting and Finance. No publication fee of any sort is involved for these journals if your paper wins best paper award in these journals. However, outstanding papers will also be considered for publication in the above journals subject to compliance to the editorial comments and payment of paper processing fee.

Affiliated Journal:

In addition to the above journals there are 2 Affiliated journals: Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research which is published by Springer and International Journal of Supply Chain Management (IJSCM) which is indexed in SCOPUS. These journals will independently consider high quality papers.


Conference Proceedings:

All full papers and/or abstracts accepted for conference (who register for the conference) will be published in proceedings electronically with ISBN and included in the WBI Digital Library for online access via a dedicated website, and all full papers will be linked to Google Scholar. This website contains thousands of papers from previous conferences and are read by thousands of readers from all over the world.

Written Reports on Your Paper:

We provide written report on each paper after the conferences so that the author can improve the paper. This service is rarely provided by the other conference organisers. Written feedback is our landmark activity.

Best Paper Award:

This award will be announced from a block of 15 papers in each track and will be published in any of the above ranked journals and a certificate will be issued. All awardees will be awarded Fellowship of the World Business Institute which will allow you to receive discount for future conferences and to serve in the International Scientific Committees and as member of Editorial Board of its journals.

Hospitality and Registration Fees:

This international conference is featured by varieties of arrival, morning and afternoon snack food, tea/coffee and hot working lunch. Conference materials such as bag, note books/pad and pen, printed program book and certificate will be issued to all attendees, session chairs and designated discussants. Basic Registration fee is US $375 and there is 5% early bird discount.


Prof. Dr. Miroslav Mateev, American University in the Emirates, Dubai, UAE
Prof. Dr. Mohammad Hoque, World Business Institute, Australia


Please click on the links provided on conference website for more information.

For further enquiries: please contact Ms. Nuha Jahan via if you have any question.

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