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Monday, April 11, 2016

Invitation for 2nd International Conference on Applied Economics and Business” in Collaboration with The Indian Econometric Society (TIES)

Dear Madam/Sir,

We feel immense pleasure in inviting you to the "2nd International Conference on Applied Economics and Business" in Collaboration with The Indian Econometric Society (TIES) during 28th-29th July, 2016 at Department of Economics, Faculty of Management, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra, Jammu and Kashmir.


Through this conference, various issues concerning contemporary economic issues and business practices shall be raised and it would hopefully arrive at a prudent and logical conclusion which policy makers could use as guiding principles at various levels of planning and decision making. The conference aims at initiating an in-depth and comprehensive debate and deliberations of acceptable standards regarding present status, challenges and issues confronting the present Indian economic environment and busines system in relation to and in context of present global economic scenario. The two-day international conference is expected to strive to bring Academicians, Economists, Researchers, Business Managers, Professionals, Practitioners, Scholars and Policy Makers together on one platform, for exchange and sharing their experiences, ideas and research results, related to different aspects of Applied Economics and Business


One soft copy of the research paper in Microsoft Word will have to be submitted to the Conference Organizing Secretary by June 15, 2016. The electronic version of the paper should be e-mailed to: or


We feel pleased to seek your substantive participation in the said conference. All submitted papers will be subjected to a blind review process. The best three papers shall be selected by a panel of experts for award. Selected research papers will be published in the form of a book with ISBN Number by a reputed international book publisher. 

Some selected Delegates (one person per paper) will be reimbursed travel expenses by the shortest route by Train or Bus (AC III Tier) on the basis of availability of funds on submission of the proof of journey. Sharing accommodation shall be arranged for the registered delegates on first come first serve basis only on prior intimation at least 10 days prior to date of commencement of the conference. 




Submission of Extended Abstract : 15th May, 2016

Confirmation of Abstract: 25th May, 2016

Submission of Full Paper : 15th June, 2016

Confirmation of Full Paper : 27th  June, 2016

Conference Dates: 28th -29th July, 2016


Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries about the conference. For your convenience, we have enclosed herewith the details of the conference. You are also requested to visit to get the conference details and for further updates.

Please circulate this information among your colleagues and research scholar for a wider participation.


Thanking you,

Dr. Pabitra Kumar Jena

Conference Organizing Secretary

Assistant Professor

Department of Economics, Faculty of Management

Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University

Katra-182 320, Jammu & Kashmir

E-mail: OR                           

Mobille Number-09419214167 OR 09797638780

Land Line Number-01991-285524
Extension-2427(O), 6427(R)


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