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Saturday, April 16, 2016

Call for Papers: Annual Bangkok Business and Social Science Research Conference


Annual Bangkok Business and Social Science Research Conference

Date: 3-4 June 2016

Venue: Ambassador Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand

Submission Deadline: 25 April 2016

Registration Deadline: 13 May 2016

Website: and Email:

Australian Social Sciences and Business Research Institute (ASSBRI) seeks conference papers relating to all areas of Accounting, Banking, Finance, Economics, Management and Marketing and all areas of Social Sciences for the above international conference. All submissions are double-blind peer-reviewed and accepted papers/abstracts will be published electronically and will be linked to Google Scholar. This conference is also supported by London Academic Research and Publications, London, UK and Scopus indexed journal namely, International Journal of Supply Chain Management.

Submission Process and Notification of Acceptance: Please send us either abstract or full paper directly via email address: by 25 April 2016. Please read and follow the link "Manuscript Submission Guidelines" in the menu bar provided on the website before you submit the paper. Review process takes about three days for abstract and a week for full paper and we would notify the acceptance as soon as review process is over. If you need to submit advance funding application to your organization, we suggest you send us at least an abstract as soon as possible.

Publication Opportunities:

Scopus Indexed Journal:

You will have the opportunity to publish in the International Journal of Supply Chain Management (IJSCM) which is indexed in SCOPUS and the editorial board of the journal will independently consider high quality papers. You need to follow the journal's policy.

Australian Business Deans Councils Ranked Journals:

Outstanding papers will be selected for publication without any fee in the following ranked international refereed journals ranked by Australian Business Dean Council (see Journal of Business and Policy Research. World Journal of Management, Global Economy and Finance Journal, International Review of Business Research Papers, Global Review of Accounting and Finance. These journals are also indexed by EBSCO and Ulrichs Directory of USA and efforts are underway to get them indexed with Scopus and ISI.

Meet the Editor Program:

You have the opportunity to meet the Editor (s) of the Scopus and ABDC indexed journals and can learn pros and cons of how to write publishable papers for these journals

Written Feedback on your Paper: There are many business research conferences in the world and a very few organizers provide written feedback on your paper. But we deliver "Written Feedback on your paper" in the form of Paper Evaluation Report which will assist you to revise your paper.

Regular Presentation: You will have up to 15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion. Please bring your presentation on a USB flash drive. Each presentation room will be equipped with a laptop and a screen for PowerPoint presentations.

Best Paper Awards, Certificates and Free Membership of ASSBRI:

Best papers in each track will be conferred by the Program Committee and all awardees will become Member of the Australian Social Sciences and Business Research Institute which will allow you to join our future conferences, seminars, workshop and training at a discounted rate. Certificate of presentation will be issued to all participants presenting their research papers. Certificate of chairing a session will be issued to chairs acknowledging their contribution in the conference.

Feedings and Accommodation: Arrival, morning, afternoon tea/coffee and light foods plus hot buffet lunch will be provided as part of the basic registration fee. We have made special arrangement with the hotel for discounted hotel room and the rate varies from US$ 60 to U$100 per night with breakfast. See details in the menu bar of the website.

Important Dates and Deadlines:

Deadline for Abstract and/or full paper Submission: 25 April 2016

Date of Notification of acceptance of abstract and or full paper: Within a week

Registration Deadline: 13 May, 2016

Announcement of the Program: After 16 May, 2016

International Program Committee Members: Please see the website

FURTHER ENQUIRIES: Please email Professor Shahidur Rahman via

Please click on the links provided on for more information.

International Program Chairs:

Professor Bob Clift, Former Dean, University of Melbourne, Australia
Professor William Lim, York University, Canada
Professor Pieter Nel, Unitec Institute of Technology, New Zealand

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