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Friday, August 30, 2013

New academic opportunities from the UNCTAD Virtual Institute as on 30th August 2013

Dear Vi friends,

I am pleased to forward the following academic opportunities from UNCTAD and Virtual Institute members in Slovenia and Morocco (français). I hope you find them of interest.

Vi Slovenian think tank member, the International Center for Promotion of Enterprises, will grant one merit-based scholarship covering the first year of the International Master's in Business Administration offered in cooperation with the Faculty of Economics of the University of Ljubljana.

Candidates must have a Bachelor's degree from a nationally accredited institution, at least three years of work experience, and proficiency in English.

Applications, including motivation letter and academic certificates, must be submitted to no later than September 15.

UNCTAD and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) are accepting applications from Vi members to participate in the six-week online course, Trade Dimension in United Nations Development Assistance Frameworks - UNDAFs, to be held October 7 to November 15.

The five-module course will cover: the role of trade and productive capacity in development strategies; linkages of trade with other dimensions of development; preconditions for the effective contribution of trade to developmental processes; UN vehicles for delivering trade-related assistance; UN integrated projects with trade components; and formulation of integrated UNDAF development programmes that take better account of the trade dimension.

For more information, contact

La Chaire de l'OMC - Université Mohammed V-Souissi, avec le soutien de l'Organisation Mondiale du Commerce, organise le colloque, « Développement et Transformations structurelles et institutionnelles des économies nord africaines et méditerranéennes » à Rabat, Maroc, 14-15 novembre.

Un séminaire d'études doctorales ouvert à de jeunes chercheurs (doctorants ou étudiants à la sortie du master qui souhaitent débuter une thèse) travaillant soit sur la problématique du colloque, soit sur les pays méditerranéens sera organisé le 16 novembre. Candidats peuvent soit proposer une communication pour le colloque, soit s'inscrire pour faire une présentation de leur projet ou de leur recherche en cours (date limite de remise 15 septembre).

Droits d'inscription: 120 euros (individuel), 50 euros (étudiants), 180 euros (institution).

Best regards,

Susana Olivares
Virtual Institute
UNCTAD - United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
Division on Globalization and Development Strategies
Palais des Nations
1211 Geneva 10 - Switzerland
Phone: +41 22 917 5823 Fax: +41-22 917 0050

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