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Thursday, March 1, 2018

The 2018 International Conference on Education and Learning (ICEL)

The 2018 International Conference on Education and Learning (ICEL)
22nd to 24th August 2018
Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan

Dear Colleagues,

Hi, this is ICEL local committee co-chair – Rei Yamashita. We are pleased to announce that The 2018 International Conference on Education and Learning (ICEL) will take place at Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan on August 22-24, 2018.

Based on the 2017 Tokyo International joint Conference that received 416 submissions from 45 countries, with an acceptance rate of approximately 75.72% and a registration rate of around 85.08% of the accepted papers, the 2018 Waseda Tokyo International joint Conference thus is expected to attract more worldwide participants than in 2017. ICEL is an international platform for scholars, researchers and practitioners to discuss interdisciplinary research and practices in the fields of Education and Learning. Therefore, during the three-day conference, all participants will have plenty of opportunities for exchanging ideas, findings and the latest research results, engaging in many academic and industry events, and meeting peers from different countries. We believe that participants can share their viewpoints from different perspectives and be exposed to a cross-domain communicating and learning atmosphere through the interdisciplinary joint conferences. For detailed information regarding ICEL 2018, please browse the official website which has been activated to the public since December 2017.

Abstract/Paper Submission Due Date: April 10, 2018

Sign Up and Submit Now!

Notably, we will send all conference proceedings to ISI office to be possibly indexed in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI). Please note that ISI office welcomes all submissions but there is no guarantee of inclusion in CPCI. Inclusion in CPCI is selective and competitive, while not all-inclusive.

Looking forward to seeing you at Waseda University in Tokyo.


Bob Barrett, Ph.D.
Conference Chair of ICEL 2018
Professor and Coordinator of Education and Learning Program,
American Public University, USA

Hirotaka Matsuoka, Ph.D.
Local Committee Chair of ICEL 2018
Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan

Contact Person and email
ICEL Local Committee Co-chair: Rei Yamashita, Ph.D.
GAICS Secretary: Miss Ya-Jyun, Lin

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