
Visitor Number


Monday, March 12, 2018

Programme @ GIDR and VVGNLI

Orientation Programme on Gender

and Labour Issues

March 26-28, 2018


Organised by

Gujarat Institute of Development Research, Ahmedabad

V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, Noida



Gujarat Institute of Development Research, Sarkhej Gandhinagar Highway,

Gota, Ahmedabad



The programme is aimed at enhancing the understanding of the participants on gender and labour issues. It would acquaint the participants with the various inequalities prevalent in the labour market and various developmental issues related to employment and social protection. The programme would encourage the participants to identify emergingareas forresearch on labour issues from a gender perspective and enable them to theorize and engage in practical applications of their knowledge in their research pursuits. It wouldalso helpthem in developing anunderstanding of various qualitative and quantitative techniques for undertaking gender and labour research.




  • To develop conceptual overview of gender and work and theoretical perspectives on gender and labour research.

·         To identify emerging issues in gender and labour research in social sciences

  • To address the various inequalities prevalent in the work
  • To sensitize the participants about various discriminatory practices prevalent in the world of work

·         To create awareness about gender and development issues related to work; education, health, developmental policies (social protection) and programmes, legislative measures etc.


Course Profile


Gender dimensions of employment, labour market discrimination and inequality, gender and development with specific focus on policy initiatives,theoretical perspectivesand methods in gender and labour research.






Through lectures, discussions and interactive sessions.


Participation Level


Youngstudents, researchers from colleges/research institutions, members of trade unions, professionals in government organisations and staffs working in voluntary organisations who intend to pursue their interests in labour research and policy will form the expected groups of participants.




a.       Please note that those who have already attended this programme are not to benominated.

b.      Participants are requested to book their return ticket in advance from their ownplace.

c.       Under no-circumstance other than IInd class sleeper ordinary fare will beentertained.




Lakdawala Hall,

Gujarat Institute of Development Research

Gandhinagar Sarkhej Highway

Gota, Ahmedabad – 380 060

Tel No.: +91-02717-242366/67/68

Fax: +91-02717-242365


The campus of Institute is 100 meters off Gota Overbridge. The institute is 20 kilometres away from the railway Station.


Accommodation Facility


Stay arrangement will be provided by GIDR.The boarding and lodging will be provided by the Institute from the evening of March 25, 2018 till the forenoon of March 29, 2018. For extended stay or earlyarrival, lodging and boarding charges would be borne by the participants.


Travelling Expenses


1.      No fee is charged from the participants.

2.      The Institute would reimburse travel expenses of the participants for IIndclass sleeper train/bus fare from their place of work to GIDR on productionof original ticket for inward journey and for return journey; a photo copy ofconfirmed ticket should be produced to claim reimbursement. Withoutsubmission of tickets, no reimbursement claim will be permissible. Thenominees should be informed about the reimbursement procedure accordingly to avoid inconveniences. (Officials entitled for higher classmay claim their travelling allowance from their own organisation).


3.      The local conveyances only will be reimbursed restricted to the actualexpenditure incurred or Rs. 500/- whichever is less.

4.      The participants are provided free of cost boarding and lodging only for theduration of the programme.



a.       Participants are requested to book their return journey ticket inadvance from their own place.

b.      Under no-circumstance other than II class sleeper ordinary fare willbe entertained.



Last Date for Receiving the Applications


March 15, 2018




Dr. Jharna Pathak, GIDR, Ahmedabad

Dr.EllinaSamantroy, VVGNLI, Noida



Applications may be addressed to:


Dr. Jharna Pathak

Assistant Professor and the Course Co-ordinator

Gujarat Institute of Development Research

Gandhinagar Sarkhej Highway

Gota, Ahmedabad – 380 060

Mobile: 9913176607

Tel No.: +91-02717-242366/67/68

Fax: +91-02717-242365


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