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Monday, March 12, 2018

International Conference on Contemporary Issues in Business & Economics (ICCIBE)

30th June to 1st July 2018
Tokat, Turkey

The International Conference on Contemporary Issues in Business & Economics (ICCIBE) is one of the most reputable international business and economics events, organized by six leading universities from Turkey, Pakistan, Indonesia, Macedonia and Uganda.

Conference Theme:
Appealing to outstanding researchers across the globe, the conference offers a friendly, supportive environment for feedback, exchange of ideas, and to find inspiration. The conference aims to create a forum for people from different academic backgrounds to interact and present their research. Moreover, the conference generates the possibility for the publication of research papers in indexed and organized journals. The conference will provide a platform for debate on issues and challenges of the aforementioned fields;hence, supporting discussions on strategies that will accelerate worldwide growth and economic recovery alongside evolution of technology and scientific research.

Conference Tracks:
International Conference on Contemporary Issues in Business & Economics (ICCIBE), Tokat-Turkey covers the following tracks.

Track 1: Economics
Track 2: Business Studies
Track 3: Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Important Dates:
Call for Papers - Open
Last Date for Submission of Full Papers - May 15, 2018
Notification of Acceptance - Within two weeks of receipt of Manuscript
Fee Submission Deadline - June 01, 2018
Conference Dates: June 30 – July 01, 2018

Paper Submission:
Prospective authors can submit their full papers through Easychair using the following link:

All papers must be original and should not have been previously accepted in any journal or under consideration for publication elsewhere. The total number of pages of the paper for the conference should not exceed 10. However, for publication in journal, the limit for pages is 8000 words. The paper must be written in English.

Papers for the presentation at the conference will be selected through double blind review process.

Conference Proceedings:

All presented papers will be published in the conference proceedings under an ISBN number.

Publication Opportunity:
Papers presented in the conference shall be considered for publication in the Business & Economic Review. The Business & Economic Review (B&ER), ISSN 2519-1233 (Online), ISSN 2074-1693 (Print), is a quarterly publication of the Institute of Management Sciences Peshawar, Pakistan with issues published in March, June, September, and December. B&ER is recognized in "Y" category by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan. The B&ER is devoted to the publication of papers that advance knowledge of the practical and theoretical aspects of business and economics.

Keynote Speakers

Dr. Azis Pollozhani
Rector Mother Teresa University, Macedonia

Dr. Waswa Juma Balunywa
Makarere University Business School (MUBS), Kampala, Uganda

Dr. M. Mohsin Khan
Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar, Pakistan

Conference Venue
15 Temmuz Kongre Kultur ve Kongre Merkezi(15 July Conference Center)
Tasl?çiflik Kampusu (Tasliciftlik Campus)
Gaziosmanpasa University, Tokat, Turkey.

Sightseeing/Cultural Activities

About Tokat
Tokat is the capital city of Tokat Province of Turkey in the mid-Black Sea region of Anatolia. It is located at the confluence of the Tokat River.

Tokat is a historical city, having important historical buildings and monuments mostly from Seljuq, Ilkhanate and Ottoman eras. The most important landmark is Tokat Castle, an Ottoman citadel with 28 towers on a rocky hill overlooking the town. Vlad the Impaler (Count Dracula) was imprisoned in one of its dungeons. Other sights include the remains of several Greek Orthodox churches and a cathedral,the Garipler Mosque dating to the 12th century, the Ali Pa?a Mosque (16th century), and the GökMedrese (PervaneBeyDarussifasi), which was constructed in 1270. It was founded as a school of theology, and is now converted into a museum, housing archaeological finds from the area.

Sightseeing/Cultural Activities

1. Historical Tokat City Tour-900 years in 900 steps
2. Almus Dam Lake Tour
3. Ball?ca Cave Tour
4. Amasya City Tour

Web address:
Sponsored by: Gaziosmanpasa University

Conference Fee
Authors (Non Student-Local & Partner Universities): 100 USD
Authors (Non Student-Developed Countries): 250 USD
Authors (From African countries): Free
Authors (Students-Local & Int.): 100 USD
Participants: 100 USD

Conference Provisions:

Registration Fee includes the following for the registered authors:

Welcome reception
Printed Name Card
Name card holder
Local cultural gifts
Participation in the technical program
Printed Participation Certificate
Printed Proceedings and CD of Proceedings
Printed Program Booklet
Coffee breaks on conference presentation day
Lunch on conference presentation day
Gala dinner

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