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Thursday, February 25, 2016

LiHE 2016 Riga Latvia - Teaching and Learning Entrepreneurship in Higher Education


Contribute a chapter on TEACHING AND LEARNING ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN HIGHER EDUCATION. Join fellow authors for an inspiring symposium in beautiful Riga, Latvia. All accepted authors get their work published worldwide by Libri Publishing Ltd, Oxfordshire.

LiHE 2016 Riga Latvia - Teaching and Learning Entrepreneurship in Higher Education - 9th to 13th October 2016.


Web address:
Sponsored by: Stockholm School of Economics Riga & Institute for Learning in Higher Education


Dear colleague,

At the Institute for Learning in Higher Education (LiHE), we are currently putting together an international anthology on TEACHING AND LEARNING ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN HIGHER EDUCATION for which we are seeking contributors.

The anthology will be finalised at our international symposium taking place in beautiful Riga, Latvia from October 9-13, 2016. There all authors will meet to finalise the manuscript for publication.

The deadline for chapter proposals is May 23,2016.

The deadline for full chapters is August 8, 2016.

We hope that you or some of your colleagues could have an interest in participating at the symposium and getting your research published worldwide by the British publishing house Libri Publishing Ltd., Oxfordshire.

Our symposiums are designed around the method of collaborative co-creation, which means that you will get stimulating collegial feedback and establish long lasting collegial friendships as you work on finalising the manuscript for publication. The LiHE-symposium is unlike any academic conference you have been to before. Here are no powerpoint presentations. And no traditional paper presentations. We work with the Socratian dialogue following the original Greek symposium format. All is done to further develop knowledge and improve our research output.

Why this anthology on Teaching and Learning Entrepreneurship?

For many years, there was a heated debate over whether or not entrepreneurship can be taught. "Entrepreneurs are born, not made!" was the logic. And consequently, entrepreneurship was often considered to be a topic unworthy of higher education. Viewed from the student perspective, the debate followed a similar logic— "Entrepreneurship is innate, not learned." was the nay-sayer's mantra. And likewise, the study of entrepreneurship was deemed a meaningless enterprise.

But the debate over whether or not entrepreneurship can be taught— whether or not it can be learned— has largely subsided. And higher education has embraced with fervour the teaching and learning of entrepreneurship. Witness, for example, the growth of entrepreneurship centres, new venture incubators, and business plan competitions on university campuses around the world. Note the way in which entrepreneurship now figures in discussions about the role of higher education, and the economic and social benefits of universities.

The moment is ripe, so it seems, to switch the debate from if to how. That is to say, the focus of attention ought to be redirected away from the legitimacy of entrepreneurship in higher education toward the efficacy of entrepreneurship in higher education.

For this anthology, therefore, the editors seek chapters which explore the teaching and learning of entrepreneurship, within the domain of higher education and with an emphasis on learning, as per the focus of LiHE. They welcome chapters from all scientific disciplines and which follow any methodological tradition.

The editors will be guided, however, by the two broad but interrelated perspectives of theory and practice:

Theory: Chapters which aim to improve our understanding of teaching and learning entrepreneurship.
Practice: Chapters which aim to improve the performance of teaching and learning of entrepreneurship

Any chapter, however, irrespective of the guiding perspective, must address entrepreneurship,learning, and higher education explicitly.

We hope this will have your interest, and we welcome you to submit your work on TEACHING AND LEARNING ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN HIGHER EDUCATION.

Yours sincerely
Rector Dr. Anders Paalzow, Rector, Stockholm School of Economics Riga
Professor Dr. John Branch, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Professor Dr. Paul Bartholomew, Aston University, Birmingham
Professor Dr. Claus Nygaard, Institute for Learning in Higher Education, Copenhagen


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