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Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Call for Papers: 34th International Business Research Conference

Call For Papers

34th International Business Research Conference

Dates: 4-5 April 2016
Venue: Imperial College London, UK
Deadlines: Submission: 29 February, 2016 and Registration: 21 MARCH, 2016

Theme: Research for Change


The aim of the above international gathering is to bring together both academic and professional researchers, scholars and students to exchange and share their research results about all aspects of Accounting, Banking, Economics, Finance, Management and Marketing. You are invited to this international conference organized by World Business Institute and London Academic Research and Publications Ltd . Please find details about the field of research in the left menu bar. All papers will be blind reviewed to ensure quality and timeliness of the research. There is publication opportunity without any submission fee.

Submission, Review Process and Notice of Acceptance:

Please send us either abstract or full papers by 29 February 2016 (please note you can submit papers at any time before this deadline) via our dedicated email address: All abstract and/or full papers must include title, the name and address of the corresponding author, email address and the field of research and we will not accept any paper without these information. If you want to publish in our journal, you must send us full paper. Times taken to inform the review outcome is about 3 days for abstract and 7 days for full papers. Authors needing long time for funding approval must send their abstract well before the submission deadline. If your abstract is accepted, you can send full paper by 7 March 2015.

Publication Opportunities Without Fees : Journals and Proceedings

Outstanding papers will be considered for publication (without any submission fee) in the Journal of Business and Policy Research, International Review of Business Papers, Global Economy and Finance Journal and World Journal of Management which are ranked by the Australian Business Dean Council (website and indexed by EBSCO, Ulrich, and by Cabell's Directory ( under review) and Scopus (under process), In addition, abstract and/or full papers will be included in the conference proceedings with ISBN and will be published electronically via a dedicated website, namely, which contains thousands of papers from previous conferences . All proceedings will be linked to Google Scholar and London Academic Research and Publications Ltd. for wider readership. Papers which clearly show contribution to the body of knowledge will be considered for publication in our other journals subject to full compliance to review reports and payment of applicable paper processing fee .

Award, Written Feedback, Conference Feedings and Registration Fees:

Best paper award will be announced soon after the conference and these papers will be published in one of international peer reviewed journals. Unlike other conferences, we will provide written feedback on the paper presented. In addition, participation certificates, payment receipt, name badge, lunch card and program book will be provided .There are several options for conference registration fees and these fees include arrival, morning and afternoon break-foods and lunch for 2 days. Registration fee starts from US$450 and please see the registration fee schedule.

Further Information:

Please click on links provided on the conference website for more details.

For further enquiries please contact Nuha Jahan via email:

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