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Thursday, February 11, 2016

Call for Papers: Annual Paris Economics, Finance and Business Conference

CALL FOR PAPERS: Annual Paris Economics, Finance and Business Conference

VENUE: Espace Vocation Haussmann, Paris, France
Date: 7-8 April, 2016

Send your abstract or full paper by the deadline: 29 February, 2016

Registration Deadline: 22 March, 2016


All researchers are invited to submit their abstracts and / or full papers relating to all broad areas of Accounting, Banking, Finance, Economics, Investment, Management, Marketing, Business Ethics, E-Commerce and all other areas of Business for the above international conference. This event is sponsored by three international organizations which are, American Research and Publications International, USA, London Academic Research and Publication, UK and World Business Institute, Australia. Five international peer reviewed journals listed by Cabell's Directory, EBSCO, Ulrich of USA and ERA, ABDC of Australia. Outstanding papers will be published without any submission fees. In previous years, huge number of authors from over 40 countries have attended this international conference with quality papers.

Submission Procedure, Review Process and Acceptance Notice:

Please submit either abstract or full paper via by 29 February, 2016. Corresponding authors must provide the name of all authors including their title (Mr.Prof, Dr, etc), field of research, email address and the full affiliation of the corresponding author. Abstract should be limited to 150 world. If your abstract is accepted, you can send the full paper by 18 March, 2016. All papers will be double blind reviewed and the notice relating to acceptance of abstract and / or full paper will be provided within 10 working days after we receive them. Please see the Submission Guidelines link on the website.

Free Publications in International Journals:

Outstanding papers will be considered for publication, without any fee, in the following international peer reviewed journals with ISSN: Journal of Business and Policy Research, World Journal of Management, Global Economy and Finance Journal, International Review of Business Research Papers and Global Review of Accounting and Finance. Quality papers will be considered for World Journal of Social Science and World Review of Business Research, subject to compliance to editorial comments and conference feedback that would be sent after the conference. Please note that there is no fee involved for online publication in these journals. (Conditionals apply - please see the Fee Schedule link on the website). In addition, all accepted abstract and full papers of the attendees will be published in the refereed conference proceedings with ISBN via a separate website, namely, which is linked with Google Scholar. This website contains thousands of papers from previous conferences. Proceedings will also be provided in hard copy via USB pen drive.

Best Paper Awards, Benefits and Fees:

Best paper award will be announced in each track and will be published in any of the above journals and a certificate will be issued to the winners. There is an option that the participant can serve as session chair and / or discussant of a paper of his / her own area of interest. All attendees will receive written feedback on the papers presented (unlike other conferences). The registration fee is US $490 which includes 4 coffee breaks with light foods and 2 hot lunches at 5-star hotel in Paris, attendance certificates, online and USB pen drive proceedings and printed program book.

Further Information:

Please click on the links provided on the website ( for more information. For other enquiries please email Ms. Nuha Jahan via email address:

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