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Thursday, February 11, 2016

IBMC '16 / International Business Management Conference

IBMC '16/International Business Management Conference will be organized by DAKAM (Eastern Mediterranean Academic Research Center). The conference will be held on July 1-2, 2016 in Istanbul, Turkey.

The main objective of IBMC '16 Conference is to provide a forum to present and discuss new trends and discussions in the business management industry and provides information on recently developed processes, technologies and practices.

It will be a venue for critical discussion, potential solutions and promotion of the ideas as recent developments may provide possible solutions for the future of business management. Conference will mainly focus on related to research in investment, corporate finance and market trends. Applied research, designed to provide practicing managers with relevant business tools and information based on recent advances in theory and research will be an additional focus.

All submitted papers are subject to double blind peer review. Conference proceedings are going to be available on DVD as e-book and DAKAM's digital library with an ISBN number before the conference and will be sent to be reviewed for inclusion in the "Thomson and Reuters Web of Science's Conference Proceedings Citation Index" (CPCI) and Google Scholars.

Abstract submission: March 25, 2016
Registration: May 20, 2016
Full papers submission: May 27, 2016

Finance And Accounting
Entrepreneurship And Management
International Business
Organizational Studies
Human Resource Management
Strategic Management
Operations Management
Technology Management

Prof. Dr. Feray CELIKCAPA / Uludag University
Prof. Dr. Selime SEZGIN / Bilgi University
Prof. Dr. Semra TUNALI/ Izmir Economy University
Prof. Dr. Melek TUZ / Uludag University
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ayse GUNSEL / Kocaeli University
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dilvin TASKIN / Yasar University
Asst. Prof. Dr. Duygu FIRAT / Kocaeli University

You can submit your abstract by entering the online registration system EASYCHAIR at

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