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Thursday, February 11, 2016

IDIA MUN National Law University Odisha, 2016

IDIA MUN National Law University Odisha, 2016 – (26TH TO 28TH FEBRUARY)


IDIA – Increasing Diversity by Increasing Access to legal education (IDIA) per nomenclature is a premiere organization that focuses on increasing diversity in the legal education by empowering the underprivileged and increasing awareness about the potential that this field carries. 


NLUO – National Law University Odisha holds one of the biggest State chapters of IDIA. NLU Odisha has been supporting IDIA Odisha Chapter in taking innovative initiatives.


IDIA MUN – Model United Nations (MUN) is a popular activity for increasing awareness and shaping the personality of students not limited to the field of law. IDIA aims to fulfil its objective of increasing diversity and promoting awareness through the medium of a Model United Nation. A symbiosis of first of its kind IDIA MUN will help the students and academia to be exposed to the underlying objective they carry, it being founded upon the theme of "Diversity: The Inclusive Planet and Symbiosis."


For registration as a Delegate, click here:!register-/bwdb9


For registration as a member of International Press, click here:!register-/bwdb9


Dates – 26th to 28th February, 2016.


Deadlines- For first round of allotment-9th February, 2016

                   For second round of allotment-16th February, 2016

                   For third round of allotment-21st February, 2016


For Timeline visit-!timeline-/rzmkt


Venue – National Law University, Odisha [ ]


Official website –


For any further query contact Aditi Bhatt (+91-9437592386)!contact-us-/c24vq


Special mention – This IDIA Model United Nations is being organized to provide the IDIA scholars all across India a chance to experience an MUN at their doorstep. There are 48 IDIA scholars all over India and to encourage participation, their registration fee has been waived off.
So, if anyone teams up with an IDIA Scholar as a Double Delegate, their registration fee (along with food and accommodation fee) will also be waived off.
We are providing Fee concession to students of National Law University Odisha (NLUO). So if anyone teams up with a student from National Law University Odisha (NLUO), they can avail the fee concession benefits.

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