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Thursday, September 12, 2013

Job Openings as on 12th September 2013

U P C O M I N G  D E A D L I N E S:
Full-time Positions: Global Business Program  (Business & Economics / Economics & Development)
Akita International University
JEL classification(s): A, C, D, E, F, G, L, M, O
To be found at:

Post-doc in Empirical Finance (M/F)
The University of Luxembourg
JEL classification(s): G
To be found at:

Professorship in Macroeconomics
Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Basel
JEL classification(s): E
To be found at:

Professor in Economics, with a specialisation in labour economics
Swedish Institute for Social Research, Stockholm University
JEL classification(s): I, J
To be found at:

N E W  J O B   O P E N I N G S :

Postdoc Position (fixed-term contract) for economic policy modeling
JEL classification(s): C, D, F, L, O, Z
To be found at:

Assistant/Associate/Professor of Economics
Michigan State University
JEL classification(s): C, D, I, J
To be found at:

Postdoc Fellow in Applied Economics
University of Pretoria
JEL classification(s): D, H, I, J, K, O
To be found at:

Postdoctoral Fellow in Macroeconomics
University of Pretoria
JEL classification(s): C, E
To be found at:

Project Manager Network Innovation (ref. IBBT/SMIT/PMEU)
iMinds SMIT, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
JEL classification(s): E, O, P
To be found at:

Postdoctoral fellowships for 2 years in micro-econometrics / spatial econometrics in Avignon (France)

JEL classification(s): C, D, R
To be found at:

PhD/Postdoc Fellow in Growth and Development Economics
University of Pretoria
JEL classification(s): E, O
To be found at:

Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in, Fachbereich Volkswirtschaftslehre
Universität Hamburg
JEL classification(s): A, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, O, P, R
To be found at:

Research Assistant
Freie Universitaet Berlin, Chair of Public Finance
JEL classification(s): D, H
To be found at:

Wiss. Mitarbeiter/-in (EG 13 TV-H) - Kennziffer: 21887
Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften - Universität Kassel
JEL classification(s): C, D, H, Q
To be found at:

Referent Volkswirtschaft (m/w) - Unternehmensforschung - Mittelstand und Innovationsgeschehen
KfW Bankengruppe
JEL classification(s): C, D, G
To be found at:

Full?time tenure track positions in the areas of Accounting, Finance, Management and Marketing
University Carlos III of Madrid
JEL classification(s): G, M
To be found at:

Assistant/Associate Professor of Economics
Governors State University
JEL classification(s): C, E, F
To be found at:

Earth Institute Postdoctoral Fellowship Program in Sustainable Development
Earth Institute, Columbia University
JEL classification(s): F, H, I, O, Q, R, Z
To be found at:

Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in
Universität Bremen - Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaft
JEL classification(s): A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, N, O, P
To be found at:

Post-doctoral Research Associate Positions
Imperial College London
JEL classification(s): A, C, D, R
To be found at:

Postdoctoral Position in Applied Economics
Rovira i Virgili University
JEL classification(s): A, C, D, H, I, J, R, Z
To be found at:

PhD Fellowship in Family Macroeconomics
IRES, Université catholique de Louvain
JEL classification(s): J
To be found at:

Postdoc Position (fixed-term contract) at the Interface of Behavioral Economics, Psychology of Economic Decisions, Economics of Identity and Public Economics
Kiel Institute for the World Economy
JEL classification(s): C, D
To be found at:

Full-time position as an (invited) Assistant Professor Time Series
School of Economics and Managemente Lisbon
JEL classification(s): A, C, G
To be found at:

7 fellowships / scholarships for doctoral candidates
Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg - BAGSS
JEL classification(s): H, I, J
To be found at:

Associate Analyst/Analyst (Specialising in Economics) ? Innovation and Technology Policy
Rand Europe
JEL classification(s): I, J, O, R
To be found at:

Postdoctoral Fellowships 2014-2015
European University Institute - EUI
JEL classification(s): C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, N, O, Z
To be found at:

wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (m/w)
Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
JEL classification(s): G
To be found at:

wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (m/w)
Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
JEL classification(s): G
To be found at:

Wiss. Mitarbeiterin/Mitarbeiter
Goethe University - Frankfurt am Main
JEL classification(s): A, C
To be found at:

Zwei wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter/innen
Universität Freiburg, Betriebswirtschaftliches Seminar
JEL classification(s): H, I, M
To be found at:

Senior Scientist/Post Doc Behavioral Economics and the Environment
ETH Zurich, Professorship of Environmental Policy and Economics
JEL classification(s): D, H, Q, Z
To be found at:

Assistant Professor
Universidade Federal do Parana (Federal University of Parana)
JEL classification(s): E
To be found at:

Business Finance Manager
JEL classification(s): G, M
To be found at:

Associate Professor in Finance & Taxation
Bournemouth University
JEL classification(s): G
To be found at:

Lecturer / Senior Lecturer in Financial Accounting
Bournemouth University
JEL classification(s): G
To be found at:

Two Assistant Professors
Universidad Católica del Norte
JEL classification(s): A, D, O, Q, R
To be found at:

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