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Thursday, July 23, 2015

Central and Eastern European LUMEN Conference: New Approaches in Social and Humanistic Sciences: NASHS 2015 11th-13th of September 2015

ISI Proceedings Conference - Central and Eastern European LUMEN Conference: New Approaches in Social and Humanistic Sciences: NASHS 2015

11th-13th of September 2015, Chisinau, Moldova

Social sciences and humanities (ex: sociology, communication, education, social work, philosophy, ethics, history, law, politics etc.) See

Early registration deadline for basic participation subscriptions (free of charge for oral presentation- until 15th July 2015) Please see

LUMEN International Scientific Conference is a multidisciplinary event, whose general objective is to promote scientific excellence, encouraging original research.

This CEE LUMEN International aims to highlight new approaches appeared in last decades in social sciences and humanities, aiming to bring together different research studies in social sciences which, through a rigorous and innovative methodology, to respond integrated to the need for innovation in these areas. The conference aims at presenting, disseminating and promoting international scientific research results, and increase the international visibility of research activity.

LUMEN NASHS2015 Publication opportunities:

- ISI Proceedings Volume Publication (ISBN)
The proceedings volume of the Conference will be proposed to ISI Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Thomson Reuters to be included in the list.
- Publication in Journals covered in International Databases (ISSN) - special issue of LUMEN journals
Postmodern Openings -
Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala -
LUMEN - Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty (Social Sciences, Philosophy and Humanities, Law and Political Sciences, Economy)

Web address:
Sponsored by: LUMEN Association- LUMEN Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences


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