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Saturday, July 18, 2015

ACEID2016 - The Second Asian Conference on Education and International Development

The International Academic Forum (IAFOR) invites you to participate in the Second Asian Conference on Education & International Development 2016 and enjoy the beautiful seaside city of Kobe, Japan.

Held at the Art Center of Kobe from April 3-6, 2016. Join us as we discuss this year's conference theme, "Education and Social Justice: Learning For Global Diversity" along with featured speaker Lowell Sheppard, conference co-chairs Sue Jackson, Harukoh Sato, Stuart D.B. Picken, other invited speakers and more.

To submit an abstract for presentation or participate as an audience member, please visit the website or contact us for more information.

Submit an abstract:
Visit the conference website:

***Conference Theme: "Education & Social Justice"

The conference theme for ACEID2016 is "Education & Social Justice", and the organizers encourage submissions that approach this theme from a variety of perspectives. However, the submission of other topics for consideration is welcome and we also encourage sessions within and across a variety of interdisciplinary and theoretical perspectives.

In this conference – one of a series of five held in 2016 on education and social justice – participants are invited to explore and question ways in which education can bring about change and social justice. Abstracts should address one or more of the streams below, identifying a relevant sub-theme:


-Diversity in Global Contexts
-Education and Socio-Economic Development
-Education and Development: Local and Global/Domestic and International
-Education: Public & Private Partnerships
-Economics and Management of Education
-Literacy: Poverty and Sustainability

Submissions are organized in to the following thematic streams:

-Education: social justice and social change
-Education: social and political movements
-Education and post-colonialism
-Education for sustainable development
-Conflicting perspectives in learning and teaching
-Digital technologies and communications
-Educational change through technologies
-'Englishes' in global communication
-Bi-cultural, bi-lingual and bi-national education
-Languages education and applied linguistics (ESL/TESL/TEFL)
-Linguistics and Pedagogy
-Multilingual societies
-Education for interdisciplinary thinking
-Education for intercultural communication
-Education for international exchange
-Challenges of new technologies
-Primary and secondary education
-Higher education
-Adult and lifelong learning
-Technology enhanced and distance learning
-International Schools and Educational goals
-Educational Policy, Leadership, Management and Administration
-Curriculum Research and Development
-Economic Management of Education
-Institutional Accreditation and Ranking
-Organizational Learning and Change
-Professional Concerns, Training and Development
-Special Education, Learning Difficulties, Disability
-Student Learning, Learner Experiences and Learner Diversity

Visit the conference website for further details:

***About IAFOR and its events

IAFOR welcomes thousands of academics to our conferences each year, which range in size from around 100 to in excess of 500 attendees. They do so because of the supportive and nurturing research environment, because of the unique networking opportunities, and because of the strength of the organization's platform.

Our conferences are meticulously planned and programmed under the direction of prominent academics to ensure that they offer programs of the highest level, and are also quite unique in the way in which they are supported by some of the world's leading academic institutions, including the University of London (UK), Virginia Tech (USA), Monash University (Australia), Barcelona University (Spain), Waseda University (Japan), the National Institute of Education (Singapore), and The Hong Kong Institute of Education (HKSAR).

IAFOR's credibility has enabled it to become a genuine pioneer, and has grown to be the most respected and trusted organization encouraging international, intercultural and interdisciplinary study. The organization is a formative influence in providing new research avenues and visionary development solutions necessary in our rapidly emerging globalized world.

We welcome you to engage in this expanding global academic community of individuals and network of institutions, and look forward to seeing you at one of our future events, as we look forward to breaking new ground, together.

To learn more about IAFOR -

***ACEID2016 Conference Chairs and Featured Speakers

Lowell Sheppard
ACE-ID2016 Featured Speaker
Asia Pacific Director, HOPE International Development Agency

Lowell Sheppard is Asia Pacific Director of the HOPE International Development Agency, an organization focused on working with the world's extreme poor in their quest to climb out of poverty. Aside from his 25-year involvement with Hope, Lowell has dedicated much of his life to social and environmental improvement projects throughout the world. He was the chairman of the Whose Earth initiative in the United Kingdom, and was the founding chairman of Novimost, a non-government organization responding to the needs caused by war in the Balkans. He was also CEO of one of the United Kingdom's largest youth charities and an executive member of Spring Harvest, an annual Christian festival which attracts more than 60,000 people each Easter, and raises more than one million dollars for charities every year. A fellow of the Royal Geographic Society, Mr. Sheppard is the author of six books, which reflect his diverse intellectual interests, and life experience. His latest book, Boys Becoming Men, examines the importance of rites of passage, including adventures, for children becoming adults. Lowell is a noted public speaker, and has given lectures at both undergraduate and postgraduate level on Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability, and he is a former vice-chairman of the CSR Committee for the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan.

Professor Sue Jackson
ACEID2016 Conference Co-Chair
IAFOR International Director of Programme: Education
Birkbeck, University of London, UK

Sue Jackson is Pro-Vice-Master (Vice-President) for Learning and Teaching, Professor of Lifelong Learning and Gender and Director of Birkbeck Institute for Lifelong Learning at Birkbeck University of London. She publishes widely in the field of gender and lifelong learning, with a particular focus on identities. Sue's recent publications include Innovations in Lifelong Learning: Critical Perspectives on Diversity, Participation and Vocational Learning (Routledge, 2011); Gendered Choices: Learning, Work, Identities in Lifelong Learning (Springer, 2011, with Irene Malcolm and Kate Thomas); and Lifelong Learning and Social Justice (NIACE, 2011). Sue is delighted and honoured that she has been involved with the Asian Conferences on Education since their inception: first as a featured speaker in 2009; then as co-Chair and keynote speaker in 2010; and co-Chair for the 2011, 2012 and 2013 conferences.

Professor Haruko Satoh
ACEID2016 Conference Co-Chair
Osaka University, Japan

Haruko Satoh is Specially Appointed Professor at the Graduate School of Engineering Science in charge of CAREN (Osaka University Centre for the Advancement of Research and Education Exchange Networks in Asia) and also lecturer at the Osaka School of International Public Policy (OSIPP), where she runs MEXT Reinventing Japan project on "Peace and Human Security in Asia (PAHSA)" with six Southeast Asian and four Japanese universities. In the past she has worked at the Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA), Chatham House, and Gaiko Forum. Her interests are primarily in state theory, Japanese nationalism and identity politics. Recent publications include: "Rethinking Security in Japan: In Search of a Post-'Postwar' Narrative" in Jain & Lam (eds), Japan's Strategic Challenges in a Changing Regional Environment (World Scientific, 2012); "Through the Looking-glass: China's Rise as Seen from Japan", (co-authored with Toshiya Hoshino), Journal of Asian Public Policy, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 181-198 (July 2012); "Post-3.11 Japan: A Matter of Restoring Trust?", ISPI Analysis No. 83 (December 2011); "Legitimacy Deficit in Japan: The Road to True Popular Sovereignty" in Kane, Loy & Patapan (eds), Political Legitimacy in Asia: New Leadership Challenges (Palgrave Macmillan, 2011), "Japan: Re-engaging with China Meaningfully" in Tang, Li & Acharya (eds), Living with China: Regional States and China through Crises and Turning Points, (Palgrave Macmillan, 2009).

Professor Stuart Picken
Chairman of the IAFOR IAB
Order of the Sacred Treasure, M.A. (Hons), B.D., Ph.D. (Glasgow), F.R.A.S.

Stuart D. B. Picken is the founding chairman of the IAFOR International Advisory Board. The author of a dozen books and over 130 articles and papers, he is considered one of the foremost scholars on Japan, China, and Globalization in East Asia. As an academic, Professor Picken has devoted more than 30 years to scholarship in Japan, notably as a professor at the International Christian University in Tokyo, where he specialized in ethics and Japanese thought, and as International Adviser to the High Priest of Tsubaki Grand Shrine (Mie prefecture). He has also served as a consultant to various businesses, including Jun Ashida Ltd., Mitsui Mining & Smelting Corp., Kobe Steel, and Japan Air Lines. In November 2008, the Government of Japan awarded Professor Picken the Order of the Sacred Treasure for his pioneering research, and outstanding contribution to the promotion of friendship and mutual understanding between Japan and the UK. The honour is normally reserved for Japanese citizens and is a mark of the utmost respect in which Professor Picken is held by the Japanese Government. Although now resident in Scotland, Professor Picken maintains his interests in Japan, as Chair of the Japan Society of Scotland, and through his work with IAFOR. A fellow of the Royal Asiatic Society, he lives near Glasgow with his wife and two children.

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