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Saturday, July 18, 2015

Call for Papers @ EPIGNOSIS

Dear Authors,


The third Issue of EPIGNOSIS, A Multi Disciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal with ISSN No and Impact factor is to be published in October 2015. The journal aims at bringing together researchers, academia, industry representatives, students and other scholars for the dissemination of original research, ideas and practical experiences. The journal solicits both theoretical and empirical research papers associated with the following theme:



Papers will be refereed and a revised version of the selected papers will be published.

Important Deadlines:

Full paper submission – 10th August 2015

Notification of Acceptance – 30th August 2015


Registration amount of Rs.1000 is mandatory for all authors contributing towards the paper. The detail of the same will be mailed to the authors on acceptance of their respective papers.


Authors are advised to strictly follow the given formatting guidelines:

·         Submit papers electronically in MS WORD format  and mailed to

·         Abstract – less than 500 words

·         Keywords – minimum 4 in italics

·         Font details:

o   Times New Roman

o   Main Title – 16 bold

o   Main text – 10

o   Sub heading – 12 bold (leave 2 empty lines before and 1 line after)

o   End notes & index – 9

·         Spacing details:

o   Top – 1'' Bottom –1'' Left –1.25'' Right –0.8''

o   All text should be single-spaced


·         Diagram/ Photograph details:

o   In case of photographs that need to be placed in a separate section please include these in a separate file, ensuring that images are labelled with captions that are consistently positioned and formatted.

o   Images should not be inserted into Word at more than 100% of their original size because this will cause a loss of quality.

o    Images for printing should always have at least a resolution of 300 dpi at the size in which they are going to be printed.

·         Table details:

o   Use some sort of background colour like light grey for the title row or column of a table, and ensure that the text of titles is in bold.

o   Do not use different types of formatting for different rows or columns unless you would like to differentiate between headings and body text.

·         For referencing please comply with the Chicago Manual of Style.



Editors in Charge


Dr. Mary Vimochana, Head, Department of Economics, Ph: 9819611959

Dr. Lata Swaminathan, Head, Department of Commerce, Ph: 9223392255


NES Ratnam College of ASC, Bhandup, Mumbai-78.

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