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Friday, February 13, 2015

New academic opportunities from the UNCTAD Virtual Institute network @ 13th February 2015

Dear Vi friends,

I am pleased to forward the following academic opportunities from Vi members in Colombia and the West Indies.

I hope you find them of interest.

El Centro Iberoamericano de Estudios Internacionales (CIBEI) in Bogota, Colombia, ofrece 30 becas parciales para los participantes del diplomado en estudios internacionales con énfasis en derechos humanos que se iniciará el 25 de febrero.

De una duración de 120 horas, el programa cuenta con una carga virtual del 50 porciento. Se otorgará un diploma acreditativo de asistencia por parte del CIBEI en colaboración con el Centro de Estudios de Iberoamérica de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (España).

Inscripciones serán aceptadas hasta el 20 de febrero.

Vi core member, the Shridath Ramphal Centre of the University of the West Indies, invites Vi members to apply for two scholarships covering half of tuition fees for its Masters Programme in International Trade Policy (MITP), scheduled September 2015 - August 2016.

The MITP provides practical insight into the dynamic world of trade policy and law helping entry-level, and mid-career professionals build a solid foundation in trade theory, practice and governance.

For more information, contact


Best regards,

Susana Olivares
Virtual Institute
UNCTAD - United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
Division on Globalization and Development Strategies
Palais des Nations
1211 Geneva 10 - Switzerland
Phone: +41 22 917 5823 Fax: +41-22 917 0050

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