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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Murderous Mothers and Mother Murderers / Special Conference Stream within The Evil, Women and the Feminine Project

Murderous Mothers and Mother Murderers
Special Conference Stream within The Evil, Women and the Feminine Project

Wednesday 6th May - Friday 8th May 2015
Dubrovnik, Croatia

Call for Presentations:
While many stereotypes have changed over time in Western culture, the one of the Mother remains strong and unyielding. Rather than being viewed as a biological role, motherhood is often a social role with prescribed behaviours. Mothers are expected to be fiercely protective, warmly nurturing, selfless and competent. Given this discourse, it is not surprising that filicide, the murder of one's children, is often viewed as the most monstrous of all acts. This form of murder is seen as the most taboo of all actions, a violation of both the trust and expectations of the victim and also of normative society.

The theme of filicide is seen in ancient myth, literature and modern media. Maternal filicide, which can include infanticide and neonaticide, is always portrayed as shocking. Cases in the US, such as Casey Anthony, Andrea Yates and Susan Smith, grabbed international headlines but similar occurrences happen in all countries around the world. Many reasons are cited, from revenge to depression, and insufficient bonding to insanity. In mythology, one can point to Medea, portrayed as the most selfish and vengeful mothers in mythology. Whilst it is often evil stepmothers, as in the many versions of Snow White, that have murderous intentions against their children, cinematic narratives such as Shutter Island, The Mist and even the seminal The Omen, show that trying to kill one's own offspring, no matter how monstrous they are, is unacceptable. Whatever the reason, the perpetrator can only ever be configured as implicitly monstrous and, on some level, even if only temporarily, evil.

On the flip side of this, violating the almost sacrosanct position of a Mother, is matricide. Interestingly here, the male offspring is quoted as the most common perpetrator. Mythology knows of Orestes, one of the most famous matricidal sons in literature, is driven mad by the furies as punishment. Popular culture features Norman Bates, of Psycho fame, who undoes the murder of his mother by becoming her. Jax Teller and Tony Soprano show the wide variety of ways matricidal characters can be portrayed and the varying motivations behind matricide, such as revenge, obsession, madness, etc. Edmund Kemper and Henry Lee Lucas showed that even the mothers of serial killers aren't safe from them. One can also point to more complex cases, namely Nero and Anthony Baekeland, who allegedly reacted against their incestuous mothers. Adam Lanza's case was far more intricate, and society's response to their cases have been equally ambiguous. These victims have been viewed as having some degree of culpability in their own deaths. Despite this however, matricide, in particular, has also been the focus of modern comedy films, including Throw Momma from the Train and Mini's First Time.

Against these few examples, it is interesting to investigate the female perpetrators of matricide. Apart from contemporary case studies recorded in courts and on the pages of psychiatric files, one can quote popular culture examples, such as Lizzie Borden's case, which has made her an infamous celebrity and engendered many interesting investigative theories during the legal proceedings; or Carrie White's cinematic matricide, seen as an almost necessary release from psychotic imprisonment. Are there any special means and ways that need to be used to study and treat this form of femicide?

Topics for possible presentations include:

- Matricide, maternal filicide: case studies from around the world
- History/origins of matricide and filicide; victims and perpetrators
- Classifications of filicide, i.e. Phillip Resnick's typology (alruistic, psychotic,unwanted, accidental, spouse revenge filicide, etc), its continuations and transformations
- The causes of matricide: psychiatric, social, religious
- Genderisation of filicide and matricide
- Femicide: i.e., daughters killing mothers; women killing (pregnant) women
- Methods of prevention of matricide and maternal filicide
- The fathers'/husbands' presence/involvement in cases of matricide and filicide
- Therapy and re-socialisation in cases of filicide and matricide
- Matricide and maternal filicide in myth and literature across culture

The Steering Group welcomes the submission of proposals for short workshops, practitioner-based activities, performances, and pre-formed panels. We particularly welcome short film screenings; photographic essays; installations; interactive talks and alternative presentation styles that encourage engagement.

What to Send:
300 word proposals should be submitted by Friday 13th March 2015. All submissions are at least double blind peer reviewed. Proposals should be submitted simultaneously to the Organising Chairs; abstracts may be in Word or RTF formats with the following information and in this order:

a) author(s), b) affiliation as you would like it to appear in programme, c) email address, d) title of abstract, e) body of abstract, f) up to 10 keywords.
E-mails should be entitled: EWF7 Mothers Proposal Submission.

Please use plain text (Times Roman 12) and abstain from using footnotes and any special formatting, characters or emphasis (such as bold, italics or underline). We acknowledge receipt and answer to all paper proposals submitted. If you do not receive a reply from us in a week you should assume we did not receive your proposal; it might be lost in cyberspace! We suggest, then, to look for an alternative electronic route or resend.

Organising Chairs:
Natalia Kaloh Vid:
Rob Fisher:

The conference is part of the At the Interface programme of research projects. It aims to bring together people from different areas and interests to share ideas and explore various discussions which are innovative and exciting. All papers accepted for and presented at the conference must be in English and will be eligible for publication in an ISBN eBook. Selected papers may be developed for publication in a themed hard copy volume(s). All publications from the conference will require editors, to be chosen from interested delegates from the conference.

Inter-Disciplinary.Net believes it is a mark of personal courtesy and professional respect to your colleagues that all delegates should attend for the full duration of the meeting. If you are unable to make this commitment, please do not submit an abstract for presentation.

For further details of the conference, please visit:

Please note: Inter-Disciplinary.Net is a not-for-profit network and we are not in a position to be able to assist with conference travel or subsistence.

ACTC 2015 - The Fifth Asian Conference on Technology in the Classroom

The final submission deadline for the Asian Conference on Technology in the Classroom 2015, held from April 30 to May 3 at the Art Center of Kobe in Kobe, Japan, is rapidly approaching.

This conference, themed "Integrated Practices: Creating Experiences to Enhance Learning", has already received more than 400 submissions from researchers and professionals from around the globe. To be considered for presentation at this event, submit your abstract by March 1, 2015 at

***Develop policies. Exchange ideas. Promote new partnerships. Experience Japan.

Join us in Kobe, Japan for presentations on Language Learning and Technology in the Classroom from:

*Keynote Speaker
Kay Irie, Gakushuin University, Japan
"Integrating Language Learning as Part of A Self Narrative"

*Featured Speaker
Michael Griffin, Chung-Ang University, South Korea
"How we talk about English Teaching (in South Korea)"

*Featured Speakers
Kristen Sullivan & Paul Collett, Shimonoseki University, Japan

- Hear the latest developments in Technology in the Classroom and Language Learning research.
- Excellent opportunities to promote your research, organisation, or institution.
- Have your research published in the official conference proceedings and eligible for journal publication
- Participate in interactive audience sessions
- Daily refreshment breaks and snacks
- International networking opportunities

For details on how to join as an audience member and further registration details, please go to

Any queries can be directed to

We look forward to meeting you in Japan!

***Conference Theme: "Integrated Practices: Creating Experiences to Enhance Learning"

Educators face continually shifting demands from all directions: students, administrators, and society. With some of these demands, teachers and learners may feel greater isolation and pressure. These trends may be seen in the disaggregation of the university or in frequent testing of discrete outcomes for analysis and accountability purposes. In the face of these developments, it is more important than ever to reflect on learning as experience, and to bring theory, research, and craft to bear on creating those experiences.

Dewey wrote that, "the central problem of education based on experience is to select the kind of present experiences that live fruitfully and creatively in future experiences". So, how does research in second language acquisition and teacher expertise tell us which experiences live on in communication? How do learning theories direct us to view the connections between experiences? And, how can application of technology both become normalized and create vivid experiences?

Finally, we need personal and professional integration. Coming together to share best practices in these twinned conferences is a chance to share and develop ways to better integrate our institutions, teachers, and most of all the experiences of the learners in a coherent practice of education.

Submissions will be organized into the following streams:

-Beyond Web 2.0
-Computer Adaptive Testing
-Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL)
-Digital literacy
-e-Assessment and new Assessment Theories and Methodologies
-e-learning and collaborative learning
-Education in a virtual world
-Future Classrooms
-Human computer interaction
-Instructional Technology
-Integrating e-learning in classroom based language teaching
-Interactive Whiteboard technologies (Blackboard, WebCT, etc.)
-Language Labs
-Learning Systems Platforms
-Mobile learning
-Mobile technologies
-Moodle and Classroom Teaching
-New Technologies
-Open and distance learning technologies
-Social networking
-Support Centers
-Teaching online
-Video Podcasting
-Virtual and personal learning environments
-Virtual Communities
-Web 2.0 technologies in the classroom
-Web-based Learning
-Web-based Writing Education
-Wikis, Blogs, and Online Journals

Submit today!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

East European Quarterly (New Series)

Call for Papers
East European Quarterly (new series)

East European Quarterly (EEQ) is an academic peer-reviewed journal which publishes original articles in the disciplines of East European politics, sociology, economics, history and international relations.

In geographical terms, Eastern Europe covers the entire post-communist region, Russia, countries of the former Soviet Union and the Balkans. Founded in 1967 and published on a regular basis until 2008, the journal has been re-launched in 2015 (vol. 41), being hosted by the Department of Political Science at Central European University Budapest.

The journal promotes works that make relevant contributions to scientific knowledge on Eastern Europe. The journal accepts now article submissions for its forthcoming issues. There are no formal deadlines and the editors accept and read submissions on an ongoing basis. All submitted articles are subject to a rigorous peer review process, based on initial editor screening and double-blind refereeing by a minimum of two reviewers. Every effort is made to ensure that manuscripts are reviewed efficiently and to a high quality within 5 weeks from the initial submission.

More details are available at

Manuscripts for consideration and submission inquiries should be sent to the editors at

Europe and the European Union: Politicizing Europeanness

Call for Papers for the Panel: Europe and the European Union: Politicizing Europeanness

(As part of 5th Euroacademia International Conference: Europe Inside-Out: Europe and Europeanness Exposed to Plural Observers, Barcelona, 27 – 28 March 2015)

Deadline for paper proposals: 25th of February 2015
Europe and the European Union: Politicizing Europeanness

Panel Description

Historically, the EU is both curious and controversial: it is hard to explain from a state-centrist view the delegation of sovereignty and the fragile agreement on the gradual extension of the EU powers together with externalizations of the decision making to a polity that can be described, as Jacques Delors expressed it, as an unidentified political object. However, in the last 60 years the European Union absorbed increasing amounts of intellectual and political energies that attempted to singularly or complementary explain the nature of the beast and the logic of the processes unfolded within. A large amount of theoretical assumptions, methodological choices and explanatory techniques were imported from different fields of research to constitute what gradually took the shape of the EU studies. Still today, the European Union is seen as a unique project of regional integration that is unsettled and unfinished and yet a particular scientific vocabulary takes shape and influences research and policy making. The present panel aims to take into account the enormous creative energies invested in understanding and shaping the project of the European Union from the limited competences granted at the creation of the European Economic Community till the current formulation of the post-national understandings of its evolution.

This panel aims to bring openly on the floor of debate both the past and the contemporary trends in the study of the European Union trough the use of the magnifying glasses. The panel seeks to create an opportunity for evaluative accounts of essential developments within the study of the European Union. These accounts are to be understood as creative moments for articulating current concerns in the frame of disciplinary dialogue and methodological constrains or opportunities provided by the established traditions in the field of European studies. It is an opportunity for revisiting and assessing the persistent epistemological challenges in the field, the inheritances and their creative potential, the orthodoxies but also the heresies.

The panel welcomes contributions on the following topics (you by no means limited to):

~ Before the European Union: The Initial Assumptions and the Historical Choices Revisited
~ Neo-Functionalism and the Persistence of Spill-over Effects
~ The EU Studies and IR Conceptual Imports: An Assessment
~ The Regulatory Theory and EU efficiency
~ Is EU an Inter-Governmental Organization Again?
~ Addressing the European Identity: How and How to Measure It?
~ The Lessons of Enlargements
~ The Future of Enlargement
~ EU as a Political System
~ EU as a Normative Power
~ Working Hard to Find a European Demos
~ Cosmopolitanism and the EU as a Post-National Order
~ The Effects of Crises on the EU
~ The Crises of European Solidarity
~ EU and the Choice for Austerity Politics in Exiting the Crisis
~ Greece and the Crisis of the Eurozone
~ The European Elections and the New Right Parties in the European Parliament
~ ECB and Crisis Management
~ Exiting the Eurozone: A Real Choice?
~ EU and Russia: The Conflict in Ukraine

Please apply on-line or submit abstracts of less than 300  words together with the details of affiliation by 25th of February 2015 to

For complete details please see the conference website:

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