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Sunday, December 7, 2014

UGC Sponsored Two Day National Seminar on Human Capital Formation: Issues and Challenges

Dear Sir/Madam,

Warm Greetings to you!
It gives us immense pleasure to invite you for a Two-day National Conference on Human Capital Formation: Issues and Challenges at St Joseph's college (Autonomous) Bangalore on 06th and 07th February 2015.
It will focus on the status, issues and challenges confronting Human Capital Formation in India. 
We wholeheartedly invite you to Participate /contribute a paper at the Conference and also circulate this brochure among your colleagues.
The Abstracts / Papers may be sent through e-mail to  
Submission of Abstract 15th December 2014
Intimation of Acceptance of Abstract 20th December 2014
Confirmation of participation  4th January 2015
Submission of Full Paper 10th January 2015
Date of Conference 06th and 07th February 2015
The detailed brochure is enclosed
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

UGC SPONSORED Two Day National Seminar on Human Capital Formation: Issues and Challenges 
Organized By Post Graduate Department of Economics St Joseph's College (Autonomous), Bangalore 
Date: February 06th and 07th 2015

Theme and Scope
Knowledge and skills embodied in human beings known as 'Human capital' play an important role in determining labor productivity, absorbing new knowledge, mastering new technologies and improving the earning capability of those who have little access to physical and financial resources. This happens along with investment in health, migration and information. These activities help in enlarging human choices thus promoting human development. Social scientists and policy makers now widely recognize that human capital is one of the foremost factors in augmenting growth of output as well as overall development of the society. Though there have been several efforts on the part of the Government and individuals to augment human capital formation, India still ranks 135 out of 187 countries in terms of human development index (HDI) which is among the 'medium development' countries of the world. 
The country has observed high growth rates in the recent past but such growth rate is also accompanied by high inequality. A large section of the workforce is still engaged in agricultural activities that do not yield sufficient income .The issue is that lack of investment in education, skill and health has barred individuals from entering the labor market, migrating from one region or job to the other thus creating differences in labor supply across sectors and factor payments, thereby augmenting inequality. However this process of investment in human capital formation is beleaguered with several issues and challenges. These issues and challenges can be examined from a multi- disciplinary perspective.

Papers are invited in the broad themes of 'Issues and challenges' for the following topics but not limited to the sub themes
1. Access and equity in  higher education
2. Quality- design, delivery and evaluation in higher education 
3. School education 
4. Training for skill development 
5. Education and employability
6. Health care
7. Migration 
8. Reducing information asymmetry in human capital formation 
Objectives of the conference 
The objective of the present conference is to attract paper presentations from researchers, policy makers and activists in the field of human capital, to understand various issues in human capital formation, and the challenges related to its formation. It  would specifically focus on problems in access to education, training, health care services, migration, information  and access to financial services with respect to human capital formation.
Call for papers 
We invite research papers from academia, students and industry experts to present their work in the broad area of Human Capital formation. Intending delegates are requested to send an abstract of around 1000 words. 
Submission of paper by e-mail is preferred. 
The abstract should include keywords, full address (es) and e-mail ID. 
The abstracts will be pre-viewed by a committee of experts for the purpose of selection of papers for presentation. 
Full paper should reach the conference Director on or before 04 January 2015.  

Important dates 
Date for submission of abstract: 15th  December 2014
Notification of accepted abstracts: 20th  December 2014
Confirmation of participation: 4th January 2015
Last date of submission of full papers: 10th January 2015

Registration fee: 
 Faculty Rs 500
 Students and research scholars free
Candidates has to pay Rs. 500/- by crossed Demand Draft drawn in favour of "The Principal, St. Joseph's College, Bangalore" at any Nationalized Bank payable at Bangalore. The Demand Draft should be dated not earlier than 20-12-2014.

 Prize for best research paper 

Accommodation will be provided on payment basis to participants in Hostels/Guest rooms on prior request.  
Second class train fares will be given to students/ scholars presenting papers.
If you do not receive a reply mail from us. Please resend it again. Assume that your mail is lost in cyber space
Conference organizing secretary 
Dr. Subhashini Muthukrishnan

Conference Coordinators
Dr. Ayanendu Sanyal
Dr. Manojit Bhattacharjee
Dr. Rajesh S.
Mr. Keshav Murthy
Ms. Tania Mukherjee

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