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Sunday, December 14, 2014

CALL FOR PAPERS @ Hyderabad Institute of Social Sciences

Call for Papers-Book on Human Rights-


Human Rights issues have come to be recognized as international issues. Man not only has a right to live but has a right to live with dignity. Promotion and Protection of Human Rights are essential for the peace, development, prosperity of the society. The questions of equality, equity, and equal opportunities are also important issues. The selection of Kailash Satyarthi and Malala for the Nobel Peace Prize has once again highlighted the importance of Human Rights in modern society.


In this backdrop, the Hyderabad Institute of Social Sciences (HISS) Publications plans to bring out a special book with ISBN. We invite the interested authors to contribute articles/chapters for the edited book.


The suggested themes include:


-Human Rights evolution, history, concept, theories, declarations, covenants etc.,

-Human Rights and Politics, Human Rights and Public Administration

-Human Rights and economical, social, cultural, minority issues

-Human Rights and Media, Social Media etc.,

-Human Rights and Commerce and Business Management.

-Human Rights and Dalits, Adivasi, OBC, Minorities, Women and Child rights

-Human Rights and Law, protection and promotion mechanism. Human Rights    


-Human Rights and LGBT rights, Human Rights and Physically Challenged.

-Human Rights, Civil Rights, Political Rights, Cultural rights and Economic rights

-Civil Society, NGOs and Human Rights and Human Rights Activists and Human Rights Watch.


Those interested can write on any other topic related to the Human Rights in national, international and local perspectives.


The book is being brought out purely on the participative method of publication and authors need to contribute Rs 2,500 per article.


Guidelines: Articles/Chapters need to be between 5 to 8 pages, 12 pt, Times New Roman font, 1.5 line space. All the footnotes and references need to be given at the end only.


Last date for the submission of full paper is December 31st, 2014.


The articles/papers/chapters need to be sent to the


For further queries write to





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