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Sunday, September 28, 2014

LibrAsia 2015 - The Asian Conference on Literature and Librarianship

LibrAsia 2015 - The Asian Conference on Literature and Librarianship
2nd to 5th April 2015 - Osaka, Japan

IAFOR and its global partners are proud to announce the Fifth Asian Conference on Literature and Librarianship. We encourage submissions and participation from around the world to this international, interdisciplinary and international event.

Web address:
Sponsored by: IAFOR - The International Academic Forum

Conference Theme and Streams - Please submit your abstract through the online submission system found on the "Call for Papers" page of the conference website.

Conference Theme: "Power: Text and Context"

The 2015 conference theme is "Power: Text and Context" in literature, and the organizers encourage submissions that approach this unifying subject from a variety of perspectives. However, the submission of other topics for consideration is welcome and we also encourage sessions within and across a variety of interdisciplinary and theoretical perspectives. Submissions will be organized into the following streams:

African Literature
Ancient and Classical Literature
Anglo-American Literature
Arabic/Middle Eastern Literature
Asian Literature
Children's and Young Adult Literature
Comparative Literature
European Literature
Folktales, Myths and Legends
Historical and Political Literature
Indigenous People's/Ethnic Literatures and Minority Discourses
Latin American Literature
Literary Criticism and Theory
Literary Practice
Literary Translation and Translatology
Literature and Film
Literature, Language and Identity
Literature and Religion
Manuscriptology, Textual and Genetic Criticism
Memoir and Autobiography
Teaching Literature
Travel Writing
Theatre and Drama


This expanded stream intentionally seeks educators, researchers, scientists, engineers, industry people, policy makers, decision makers, and others who have insight, vision, and understanding of the big challenges in Library and Information Science (LIS) of interest include but are not limited to the theoretical, technical, or empirical aspects of the following:

Principles, theories, models, standards challenges, legal, and social issues of LIS
Protecting and preserving librarianship: 21st Century problems and solutions
Management, leadership, planning, operation, and monitoring
Cataloging, classification, and collection management
Library research and development
Library, information literacy, education, and culture
Library instruction and reader advisory
Library, content and knowledge management
Information architectures, resources, services and promotion
Information retrieval, recommendation and personalization
Archives, museums, record management and information preservation
Publishing, electronic publishing and bibliometrics
Digital media, social media and libraries
E-learning, M-learning, learning objects, content, platforms and tools
Taxonomies, ontologies and applications
Digital humanities, literature and culture
Virtual environments and game-based learning
Emerging technologies for information organizations, such as but not limited to Web, mobile, Cloud, machine intelligence and big data
Censorship, ownership and intellectual property
Trust, reputation, ethics, security, and privacy issues

LibrAsia2015 Conference Chairs

Dr. Myles Chilton
LibrAsia2015 Conference Chair (Literature)
Nihon University, Japan

Myles Chilton (B.A. University of Toronto; M.A. and Ph.D. University of Chicago) is a Professor in the Department of English Language and Literature at Nihon University. Originally from Toronto, Canada, Chilton has been in Japan for over twenty years, where in addition to continuing his work in exploring relationships between contemporary world literature and global cities, he has become increasingly interested in the pedagogy of literature in EFL classrooms.

Dr. Dickson Chiu
LibrAsia2015 Conference Co-Chair (Librarianship)
University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Dickson K.W. Chiu received the B.Sc. (Hons.) degree in Computer Studies from the University of Hong Kong in 1987. He received the M.Sc. (1994) and the Ph.D. (2000) degrees in Computer Science from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). He started his own computer company while studying part-time. He is now teaching at the University of Hong Kong and has also taught at several universities in Hong Kong.

Dr. Patrick Lo
LibrAsia 2015 Conference Co-Chair (Librarianship)
University of Tsukuba, Japan

Dr. Patrick Lo is currently serving as Associate Professor at Faculty of Library, Information and Media Science, University of Tsukuba in Japan (since 2012). From 2009 to 2012, Dr. Lo served as Assistant Librarian I (Head of the Cataloguing Section) and Subject Specialist for School of Arts and Social Sciences at The Open University of Hong Kong Library.

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