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Tuesday, December 30, 2014

IISES Teaching and Education Conference

IISES Teaching and Education Conference

Amsterdam, Netherlands

The International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences invites you to participate in Teaching and Education Conference to be held in May 12-15, 2015 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, in Amsterdam American Hotel - Hampshire Eden.

Web address:
Sponsored by: IISES

Recognising Silence / The Exploring and Managing Silence Project

Recognising Silence
The Exploring and Managing Silence Project

Tuesday 7th July – Thursday 9th July 2015
Mansfield College, Oxford, United Kingdom.

Call for Presentations:
Silence is powerful. When not expressed, feelings and thoughts build up an internal pressure, whether on the part of an individual or between members of a couple, family or group. Such pressure can lead to depression, resentment and anger, which can manifest as self-harm, family breakups due to work-life imbalances, domestic violence or even suicide. At the societal level, if one's voice is not heard and recognized, and if what one says is ignored or not incorporated into the decision-making process, further social dysfunction ensues, including the creation of bubbles and enclaves of minorities, an ever-growing inequality of contribution by individuals, and increasing levels of social stress and anxiety. The opposite of silence is the final scream of the suicide bomber. Paying more attention to silence might result in preventing the eruptions of frustration that leads to aggression, violence, and ultimately, to terrorism (such as 9/11).

The 1st International Interdisciplinary Conference on Exploring and Managing Silence focuses on recognizing silence in various contexts. We believe that silence is too complex a phenomenon to be defined in a prescriptive manner. So we are putting out a Call for Presentations from practitioners, academicians and professionals working in:

- Education at any level (primary through tertiary and post-graduate; vocational training)
- Health care (including mental health, chronic illness, elderly care, end-of-life care)
- Care of people with disabilities (including special needs children)
- Government and NGOs, especially with regard to interaction with Indigenous people
- Sustainable development
- Environmental sustainability
- Economics and business (especially with regard to interaction with Indigenous people
- Psychology
- Religion and spirituality

We are particularly interested in papers that address the following questions:

~How is silence understood in different contexts, by different parties, in different cultures, in different professions, in different disciplines?
~How is silence currently acknowledged, identified, measured, and valued by the different parties in a specific interaction (e.g., decision-making process, classroom, business transaction)?
~How does silence contribute to the process of meaning-making? How does what is not said fit alongside what is spoken? And how do people ascribe meaning to silence?
~Silence resides in the 'in-between' spaces: between words, between the lines, between persons. How do people enter into those in-between spaces? How does their presence in those spaces affect them and the interaction?

We would also like to consider silence in the arts:

~Silence in music: the evolution of the relationship between sound and silence in composition, silence as radicalism (John Cage, Miles Davis, etc.)
~Silence in poetry
~Silence in cinema: impact of silence on storytelling technique, image composition, mechanics of silent cinema, opportunities and challenges of the silent medium, masters of silent cinema, soundtracks and the use of silence in sound films
~Silence in performance: acting styles, mime, non-speech communication
~Architectural spaces and the creation of silence

And some other aspects of silence that are equally powerful:

~Silence and the law: regulatory provisions around health and safety standards, noise controls ordinances and architectural innovation to preserve silence
~Legality of silence: 5th Amendment of the US Constitution and other protections against self-incrimination
~Silence as what is not said or what cannot be said (testimony of Holocaust victims, silence after trauma)

Finally, the project will explore silence in religious and spiritual traditions, including:

~Quaker silence
~Silence as meditation and introspection
~Silence in mystical traditions (Catholic, Zen Buddhist, etc.)

The Steering Group welcomes the submission of proposals for short workshops, practitioner-based activities, performances, and pre-formed panels. We particularly welcome short film screenings; photographic essays; installations; interactive talks and alternative presentation styles that encourage engagement.

What to Send:
Proposals will also be considered on any related theme. 300 word proposals should be submitted by Friday 13th March 2015. If a proposal is accepted for the conference, a full draft paper of no more than 3000 words should be submitted by Friday 22nd May 2015. Proposals should be submitted simultaneously to both Organising Chairs; proposals may be in Word or RTF formats with the following information and in this order:

a) author(s), b) affiliation as you would like it to appear in programme, c) email address, d) title of proposal, e) body of proposal, f) up to 10 keywords.
E-mails should be entitled: Silence 1 Proposal Submission.

All abstracts will be at least double blind peer reviewed. Please use plain text (Times Roman 12) and abstain from using footnotes and any special formatting, characters or emphasis (such as bold, italics or underline). We acknowledge receipt and answer to all proposals submitted. If you do not receive a reply from us in a week you should assume we did not receive your proposal; it might be lost in cyberspace! We suggest, then, to look for an alternative electronic route or resend.

Organising Chairs:
Ram Vemuri and Nancy Billias:
Rob Fisher:

The conference is part of the Probing the Boundaries domain which aims to bring together people from different areas and interests to share ideas and explore innovative and challenging routes of intellectual and academic exploration. All proposals accepted for and presented at the conference must be in English and will be eligible for publication in an ISBN eBook. Selected proposals may be developed for publication in a themed hard copy volume(s). All publications from the conference will require editors, to be chosen from interested delegates from the conference.

Inter-Disciplinary.Net believes it is a mark of personal courtesy and professional respect to your colleagues that all delegates should attend for the full duration of the meeting. If you are unable to make this commitment, please do not submit an abstract for presentation.

For further details of the conference, please visit: 

International Conference on Business and Internet (ICBI) 2015

Last Call for Papers

International Conference on Business and Internet (ICBI) 2015
22nd to 24th April 2015
Taipei, Taiwan

Dear Colleagues,

The deadline is approaching. Just remind you that if you are interested in the International Conference on Business and Internet (ICBI) 2015, please submit your Paper or an abstract before the deadline.

Through communicating with Grand Hotel, the conference participants can get 45 percent discount of regular room prices by using the reservation form of Grand Hotel available on the Accommodation page of ICBI 2015. The information regarding local tour and special issue are also available on the website now.

All submissions to the conference will go through blind review processes by at least two independent peers. All accepted abstracts and full papers will be published in the conference proceedings with an ISSN. Selected papers will be recommended for the fast track reviews by the sponsored journals. When staying at ICBI 2015, Scholars and practitioners in the field of business and Internet studies can share the latest developments and seek possible collaboration opportunities in any aspects. Look forward to seeing you soon.

Web address:
Sponsored by: International Business Academic Consortium, Knowledge of Association Taiwan, National Taipei University, and Shih Chien University (Taipei Campus)

EDC 2015 - 10th Annual Education and Development Conference

EDC 2015 - 10th Annual Education and Development Conference
5th to 7th March 2015
Bangkok, Thailand

Web address:
Sponsored by: Tomorrow People Organization

Dear Scholars, Students, NGO and governmental representatives:

We are happy to announce EDC 2015, hosted by Tomorrow People Organization. This highly exciting and challenging international Conference is intended to be a forum, discussion and networking place for academics, researchers, professionals, administrators, educational leaders, policy makers, industry representatives, advanced students, and others interested in Education.

More specifically, it targets:

Scholars: Share your research, learn some new approaches, hear about others' experiences and pass on your knowledge and experience.

Government officials and policy makers: Learn about the best practices, educational development strategies and educational systems around the world; network with other policy makers and NGOs working in the field of supporting educational development.

NGOs: Network with other international NGOs, possible donors and colleagues from around the world and share your achievements and strategies with others.

Graduate students: Meet your colleagues from around the world, make new friends, and improve your knowledge and communication skills.

Company representatives: This is a chance to improve your leadership skills, learn more about the importance of permanent education in achieving the high performances of your organization, meet your colleagues, exchange ideas and establish new connections and partnerships.

Others: Anyone who is interested in making some positive changes around them and gaining new knowledge, skills and friends and becoming more useful to their own communities.

Education and Development Conference 2015 will provide unlimited resources and opportunities to interact with prominent leaders in the field of education and greatly expand on your global network of scholars and professionals.

We welcome: ORAL, POSTER and VIRTUAL presentations. Early submissions are strongly encouraged due to limited space in the venue, as applications are reviewed on a rolling admission basis - as long as space is available.

The conference topics include, but are not limited to: Adult Education, Arts Education, Anthropology and Education, Curriculum, Early Childhood Education, Educational Systems and Policy, Educational Psychology, Environmental Education, Gender and Education, Guidance and Counseling, Health Education, Higher Education, History of Education, IT and Education, Language Education and Literacy, Lifelong Learning, Mathematics Education, Mentoring and Coaching, Multicultural Issues in Education, Philosophy of Education, Physical Education, Primary Education, Quality in Education, Race, Ethnicity and Education, Research and Development, Rural Education, Science Education, Secondary Education, Sociology of Education, Special and Inclusive Education, Teacher Education, Values and Education, Vocational Education and Training, Other areas of Education.

Papers presented at the conference will be published in a dedicated ISBN publication of EDC 2015 Conference Proceedings.

We look forward to seeing you in Bangkok in March 2015, as one of our participants, coming from over 60 countries worldwide!


EDC 2015 Organizing Committee

Saturday, December 27, 2014

IICE2015 - The IAFOR International Conference on Education - Dubai

The final submission deadline for the IAFOR International Conference on Education, held from March 8-10 at the Crowne Plaza, Dubai Festival City, is just just one week away.

This conference, themed around "Education, Power and Empowerment", has already drawn more than 400 submissions from researchers and professionals from around the globe to discuss challenges relating to power, education and globalisation.

Develop policies. Exchange ideas. Promote new partnerships. Experience Dubai.

Please submit your abstract by January 1, 2015 at

Benefits of attending the IAFOR International Conference on Education

- Be motivated by high quality international speakers.
- Benefit from hearing the latest developments in Education and Language Learning research.
- Excellent opportunities to promote your research, organisation, or institution.
- Have your research published in the official conference proceedings and eligible for journal publication
- Participate in interactive audience sessions
- Daily refreshment breaks and lunch on each conference day
- International networking opportunities

For details on how to join as an audience member and further registration details, please go to

Any queries can be directed to

We look forward to meeting you in Dubai.

Conference Theme: "Education, Power and Empowerment: Developing Transnational Spaces"

In this conference - one of a series of five held in 2015 on education, power and empowerment - participants are invited to explore and question the transnational spaces of education and the power relations attached to them. This might include geographical spaces but is not limited to them. Abstracts should address one or more of the streams below, identifying a relevant sub-theme:

Transnational or international?: Developing new spaces of learning
Education, power and globalisation
Developing transnational spaces of education
Challenges of literacy and communication in transnational spaces
Education and transnational spaces: power and disempowerment

Conference Streams:

Learning and Teaching in Transnational Spaces:
Education: social justice and social change
Education: social and political movements
Education and post-colonialism
Education for sustainable development
Conflicting perspectives in learning and teaching
Digital technologies and communications
Educational change through technologies?

Challenging and Preserving Traditional Cultures:
'Englishes' in global communication
Bi-cultural, bi-lingual and bi-national education
Languages education and applied linguistics (ESL/TESL/TEFL)
Linguistics and Pedagogy
Multilingual societies
Education for interdisciplinary thinking
Education for intercultural communication
Education for international exchange
Challenges of new technologies

Learning, Teaching and Educational Structures:
Primary and secondary education
Higher education
Adult and lifelong learning
Technology enhanced and distance learning
International Schools and Educational goals
Educational Policy, Leadership, Management and Administration
Curriculum Research and Development
Economic Management of Education
Institutional Accreditation and Ranking
Organizational Learning and Change
Professional Concerns, Training and Development
Special Education, Learning Difficulties, Disability
Student Learning, Learner Experiences and Learner Diversity

ABSRC 2015 VENICE - Advances in Business-Related Scientific Research Conference

ABSRC 2015 VENICE - Advances in Business-Related Scientific Research Conference
25th to 27th March 2015
Venice, Italy

ABSRC is an important international gathering of business and business-related sciences scholars and educators. In addition to scientific papers, the focus is on various best practices and solutions, which are important for business activities.

ABSRC is a global conference. Researchers and practitioners from 50 different countries participated at the past ABSRCs.

Business and business-related issues are covered including the following topic groups:
Business strategy
Change management and organizational development
Conflict management
Critical management
Economic growth
Gender, diversity and social issues
Human resource management and career development
Humanities and arts and business
Industry, area or region specific studies
Industrial organization
International business
Language in organizations
Law and business
Management consulting
Management education, training and development
Managerial and organizational cognition and psychology
Marketing and consumer behavior
Natural sciences and business
Organizational behavior
Organizational information and communication systems
Organizations and financing
Production and operations management
Research methods
Social sciences and business
Technology and innovation management

Web address:
Sponsored by: GEA College - Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Edukator d.o.o.

International Conference on Education, Psychology, and Liberal Arts (ICEPL) 2015

International Conference on Education, Psychology, and Liberal Arts (ICEPL) 2015
22nd to 24th April 2015
Taipei, Taiwan

Dear Colleagues,

The deadline is approaching. Just remind you that if you are interested in the International Conference on Education, Psychology, and Liberal Arts (ICEPL) 2015, please submit your Paper or an abstract before the deadline.

Through communicating with Grand Hotel, the conference participants can get 45 percent discount of regular room prices by using the Grand Hotel reservation form available on the Accommodation page of ICEPL 2015. The information regarding two cultural tours and special issues are also available on the website now.

Given that the advancement on education, psychology, and liberal arts, these fields become more sophisticated and interacted. Hence, The ICEPL 2015 covers a wide range of fields in education, psychology, and liberal arts. During the conference, attendees will find various activities useful in bringing together a diverse group from across disciplines for generating new ideas, potential collaborations, and research opportunities. All submissions to the conference will go through anonymously review processes by at least two independent peers. Selected papers will be recommended for the fast track reviews by the sponsored journals.

Web address:
Sponsored by: International Business Academic Consortium, Knowledge Association of Taiwan, National Taipei University, and Shih Chien University (Taipei Campus)

SIBR 2015 Osaka Conference on Interdisciplinary Business & Economics Research: Advancing Knowledge from Interdisciplinary Perspectives

SIBR 2015 Osaka Conference on Interdisciplinary Business & Economics Research
Conference date: July 2-3, 2015.
Conference venue: Osaka, Japan.
Organizers: Society of Interdisciplinary Business Research & Nakhon Ratchasima Rajabhat University.
Deadline for paper/abstract submission: April 17, 2015.
Call for paper:

SCOPE & PURPOSE: SIBR Conference brings together researchers from the full range of business and economics disciplines to share latest research findings and brainstorm new research ideas across disciplines. It is a unique forum for researchers with cross-disciplinary interests to meet and interact. Research papers/abstracts cutting across business and non-business disciplines are also welcome.

PUBLICATION: All papers/abstracts accepted for the conference will be published at the SIBR Conference Proceedings (ISSN: 2223-5078). Refereed journals edited by SIBR Committee members will publish special issues featuring selected papers from the conference.

SUBMISSION: Submit papers/abstracts by following the guidelines at:


ICELL - 1st International Conference on English Language and Literature

ICELL - 1st International Conference on English Language and Literature
20th to 21st November 2015
Tirana, Albania

ICELL aims to bring together scholars, researchers and graduate students to exchange and share their experiences and research work and discuss the practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted in this field.

Web address:

SOCIOINT15 - 2nd International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities


8th, 9th and 10 June 2015

Organized by: OCERINT - International Organization Center of Academic Research


You are invited to participate in SOCIO-INT15 - 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EDUCATION, SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES that will be held in ISTANBUL, Turkey on the 8th, 9th and 10 June 2015.

SOCIO-INT15 is an multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary international conference that provides the ideal opportunity to bring together professors, researchers and high education students of different disciplines, discuss new issues, and discover the most recent researches in all fields of EDUCATION, SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES in a multicultural atmosphere.

You will be able to share all your experiences with other experts in a truly international atmosphere. This conference will be held at international level. Plenty of participants more than 70 different countries all over the world are expected to attend.


include, but are not limited to:
all areas of Education; communication, accounting, finance, economics, management, business, marketing, education, sociology, psychology, political science, law and all other areas of social sciences; also all areas of humanities including anthropology, archaeology, architecture, art, ethics, folklore studies, history, language studies, literature, methodological studies, music, philosophy, poetry, theater and others..


- Abstract Submission Deadline: March 23rd, 2015
- Final Paper Submission Deadline: April 25th, 2015
- Registration deadline for Authors: April 25th, 2015
- Conference Dates: 8th, 9th and 10th of June, 2015 - Istanbul, Turkey


1. All the accepted full papers are going to be published in the Abstracts and Proceedings CD-ROM (e-book) with an ISBN number and will be given to the participants on the conference day.

2. Participants also will be able to reach and download the Abstracts and Proceedings E-book from OCERINT's online e-library ( web site.

3. SOCIOINT15 Abstracts and Proceedings will also be included in Google Scholar and sent to be reviewed for their inclusion in the ISI Conference Proceedings Citation Index.

4. NEW!!! The accepted papers (depending upon their author's wish) are also sent to be reviewed for publishing in our peer reviewed online International journal with an ISSN number which is also sent to be reviewed for their inclusion in the ISI Citation Indexes.


Istanbul (Turkey) is one of the most impressive cities in the world: unique for its culture, historical and artistic richness, cultural and musical events of all kinds, lovely weather in winter and tasty gastronomy.
Istanbul is one of the world's great cities famous for its historical monuments and magnificent scenic beauties. It is the only city in the world which spreads over two continents: it lies at a point where Asia and Europe are separated by a narrow strait - the Bosphorus. Istanbul has a history of over 2,500 years, and ever since its establishment on this strategic junction of lands and seas, the city has been a crucial trade center.

We look forward to seeing you in Istanbul.

SOCIO-INT15 Organizing Committee

Conference website:
Enquiries: or

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New Courses, Conferences, Programs, Scholarships @ 27th December 2014

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Saturday, December 20, 2014

New Courses, Conferences, Programs, Scholarships @ 20th December 2014

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New Conferences (click here to see all conferences)

New Courses, Programs and Scholarships (click here to see all courses)

Upcoming Deadlines for call of papers

Upcoming Deadlines for registration