Online Workshops on Data analysis using ATLAS.ti & Regression test using SPSS, Jan 2025 @ LekSha Research Centre

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Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Contact us for a Banner

Dear All,

If you require AGGRESSIVE ADVERTISEMENT you are requested to opt for an BANNER

A BANNER is a hyperlinked moving/still text which will be available above the the website for all the time for all visitors in the blog.

Our charges for banner are given below
30 days or less/Hyperlink (Banner) =  INR 2500/- 
Additional 7 days or Part thereof = INR 1000/-

e.g. for an advertisement for 25 or 30 days the bill amount will be Rs 2500/- but in case it is 31 days or 37 days the bill amount will be Rs3500/-
The amount can be paid after the advertisement period

We have a Facebook page too. Posting in the same remains free of charge. In addition if you want to promote it specially to the 2500 esteemed members of the page there is a charge of Rs 500/- over the amount required for Facebook promotion. This amount needs to be paid in advance as we need to pay facebook in full

e.g. Total Bill=Facebook Charges (Directly Billed to Social Science Informer which depends upon the number of days of advertisement and will be shared with the client) + Rs 500/-(Page charges for captive audience). This amount needs to be paid in advance as we need to pay facebook in full.

The Social Science Informer

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