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Friday, June 3, 2022

Call for Book Chapters: Title: Media and Marginalized Voices: Issues and Discourses

Call for Book Chapters


Book Title: Media and Marginalized Voices: Issues and Discourses



Concept of the Book:


The media has a close relationship with socio-cultural and political systems in today's society. This relationship both offers the potential to tackle the various challenges associated with inequality and, at the same time, creates a nexus with the elite classes of society to keep the marginalized away from the mainstream. It is central to the relations of media, power and communication since it is concerned with the well-being of people living on a periphery and explores the fundamental and structural aspects of social change and justice.


Marginalization is the social process of becoming or being made marginal, especially either an individual or as a group within the larger society. Marginalization occurs not only at the individual level but also group or community level. Individuals' exclusion from meaningful participation in society can create individual marginalization. Dalits, Tribals, Women, Minorities, LGBTQI+s, People with Disabilities, etc. are at the margin and periphery of the society as they suffer from poverty, experience deprivation and downgrading. These communities live in the shadow of vulnerability and discrimination irrespective of region. Each group continues culturally and socially marginalized. Social problems of individuals are deeply connected with larger social structures in society and continue to push individuals to the margins of society causing various forms of oppression and marginalization.


Possible Questions:

The issues of these marginalized communities are hardly shown and covered by the mainstream media. The deprived communities including minority communities are less visible and their voices are hardly heard in the mass media. It not only creates silence among the social groups but firmly perpetuates its communal, class and caste prejudices. The marginalized and minority community has been further reinstated, endorsed, reinforced, and regressed by contemporary mass media. The proposed book titled Media and Marginalized Voices: Issue and Discourses may seek an answer and find the complex relationship between the media and the marginalized communities in the Indian context from theoretical and empirical perspectives. The major focus would be on marginalized voices and representations in the media scholarship.


Chapter Themes:

 This book aims to cover different aspects of marginality and its relationship with media within an interdisciplinary framework discussed in social sciences and other disciplines. In this regard, we would like to share a global call and ask for abstracts through a peer-review process. The book chapters invited may be on the following topics such as relations of media with gender, sexuality, nation, disability, disciplinary boundaries, youth, caste, class, and religion, but are not limited to:



·         The conceptual discourse of margin

·         Structural and ideological construction of marginality

·         Media, social inclusion, and exclusion

·         Representation of minorities in media

·         Construction of gender in media

·         Caste bias, violence, and discrimination in media

·         Media, religion, and diversity

·         Media, youth, and conflicts

·         Media, ethnicity, and violence

·         Media, identity, and citizenship

·         Media, region, and language

·         Media and representations of Adivasi & LGBTQI+ communities

·         Media and class representations

·         Social media and marginality


Who can apply:

The proposed edited book may consist of various chapters contributed by scholars, professors, academicians of media studies, communication studies, cultural studies, and social sciences.


Abstract Submission Guidelines:

Interested authors are free to suggest related themes/subjects in accordance with the call for a book chapter. Abstracts (min 300, max 500 words) should be mailed to                                                                              Dr Jyoti Ranjan Sahoo <>, marking a copy to                                                                   Dr V. Vijay Kumar <> by 15 June 2022. In June 2022, the authors of accepted abstracts will be informed. Author (s) are expected to send their final manuscript by the end of September 2022. No payment from the authors will be required for publication. The book chapter will be prepared according to the manuscript guidelines of a reputed publication house. But the author (s) may follow the below manuscript guidelines for submission of a full-length paper.


Guidelines for Contributors:

The prescribed word limits of the full-length paper should be 5000-7000 words including footnotes. The body of the manuscript should be in Times New Roman, with Font size 12 and 1.5 line spacing. The text should be justified and a margin of 2.54 centimeters shall be left on all sides of the paper. The footnotes should be in Times New Roman, Font size 10 and single line spacing. Endnote may not be used. The APA Style is to be strictly adhered to for citations and references. Submission must be made in the MS Word (.doc/.docx) format. Full-length submission can be mailed to Dr Jyoti Ranjan Sahoo <>, marking a copy to Dr V. Vijay Kumar <>. The subject of the email should be the title of the book and the submission may contain a separate cover letter as an attachment enumerating the following details:


(a)    Title of the book chapter

(b)   Name and affiliation of the Author (s)

(c)    Email, contact number and postal address


The submission will undergo a blind peer-review process; therefore, the author (s) shall not disclose their identities anywhere in the body of the manuscript. All the submissions will undergo a plagiarism check. The submitting chapter (s) must be original and unpublished work. The author (s) must confirm that the manuscript is not being considered for publication elsewhere. Being part of pre-publishing formalities, the author (s) are expected to submit a scanned copy of the copyright agreement form once the manuscript is accepted for publication.


For further queries, please feel free to the editors of the book:


Dr Jyoti Ranjan Sahoo -, Mob: +91 – 729 102 4532

Dr V. Vijay Kumar -, Mob: +91 – 995 200 5677


Profile of the Book Editors:

Dr Jyoti Ranjan Sahoo is an Assistant Professor at the School of Communications, XIM University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India. Dr Sahoo has received his PhD in the area of 'Media and Social life' from the Centre for Culture, Media and Governance, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India. He has published eighteen articles in national/international journals and edited books in the areas of media sociology, media and marginality, development communication, advertising, media education, communication & culture, media, and gender. He has also conducted four research projects and presented over 20 research papers at national and international conferences on diverse interdisciplinary issues of media and communication. He has contributed research papers and presented at IAMCR & AMIC conferences abroad. His current ongoing research assignment is the author's book on 'Technology and Education'. Other research assignments for a journal article are COVID-19 Health Perception and Communication as well as Media, Development and Democracy etc.


Dr V. Vijay Kumar is the Academic Dean of the School of Communications, XIM University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India. He is a seasoned media professional and a media educator, with ample years of industrial experience in audio-visual content development, supervision, and management. Right from television reality shows to non-fiction live broadcasts, from television commercials to feature films, he worked on various projects in different capacities. He worked with Sun TV Network, Chennai; Shop CJ TV Network, Mumbai; Frames Entertainment, Chennai, India, in senior roles and he was the creative head and show director of an award-winning Tamil reality talent hunt show 'Naalaya Iyakunar' (Future Director) and South India's first reality television show for identical twins 'Iruvar' (Twins). He has completed his PhD from Anna University, Chennai, India. His doctoral research is on the topic 'Interactive Reality Television'. He is specialized in audio-visual content development, entertainment television programmes, digital filmmaking, and educational media design. His research interests are television programming, television studies, film studies, social media, interactive digital communication, positive psychology, and educational media. Apart from teaching, he is actively involved in audio-visual content development in the forms of documentaries, music videos, television shows and educational video modules.

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