
Visitor Number


Thursday, October 24, 2019

Asia-Pacific Conference on Education, Teaching and Technology 2020

Dear Colleague,

Asia-Pacific Conference on Education, Teaching and Technology 2020
18-19 June 2020 - Singapore
National University of Singapore Society

We would like to invite you to present your research paper or to join as a listener at the Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Education, Teaching and Technology 2020 (Asia-Pacific EduTeach2020) which will be held on 18th and 19th June 2020 at National University of Singapore Society, Singapore. Asia-Pacific EduTeach2020 conference is organized by Unique Conferences Canada and hosted by the International Center for Research and Development.

The Asia-Pacific EduTeach2020 conference is renowned for its high level of attendance, thought-leading and cutting edge contents, unrivaled networking opportunities and presenter friendly atmosphere. These research conferences draw high profile Education leaders from every corner of Asia and beyond.

The abstracts of the registered presenters will be published in Print as the conference book with a Canadian ISBN978-1-988652-XXXXX and online as proceedings with the ISSN2659-2495.

This time, we expect over 100 presentations on latest research papers on current trends and modern technology on Education, Pedagogy, Curricula Development, Learning, Teaching, Teacher Training etc. We invite Educators, Teachers, Technologists, Researchers, Secondary, Vocational or Tertiary Educators, Public and Private Sector Professionals, Policy Makers and University/School Registrars, School Counselors, Principals and Teachers, Master and PhD students, Curriculum Developers, Education Technology Developers, Career and employment officers and any others who are interested in Education and Technology to join the conference.

Presenter - send the application along with your abstract
Listener – send the application with your profile (as the attachment instead of abstract)


Registration details:

We hope to meet you at Asia-Pacific EduTeach2020!

Best wishes

Dr.Bronwyn Ewing
Academic Chair - Asia-Pacific EduTeach2020 Conference

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