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Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Fwd: Persons, Intimacy and Love

Persons, Intimacy and Love

4th Global Meeting

Call for Presentations 2017

A Gender and Sexuality Research Stream

Tuesday 4th April – Thursday 6th April 2017

Lisbon, Portugal

What does it mean to be intimate? What does it mean to love? What is the connection between love and intimacy? Such broad questions, yet such diverse and personal answers. This conference endeavours to explore intimacy and love within the context of persons and interpersonal relationships and across a range of critical, contextual, and cultural perspectives. Seeking to encourage innovative dialogues, we warmly welcome papers which struggle to understand what it is to be a person and how intimacy and love impacts our familial, individual, personal, romantic, and social relationships.

This conference has a global focus; it aims to facilitate dialogue and spark innovative collaborations and discussions at the international level. We welcome papers from all disciplines, professions and vocations, going beyond the academic world and bringing together researchers, community, and professionals engaged in work on Sexual Violence. We welcome traditional papers, panels and workshop proposals, as well as other forms of presentation platforms (art, poetry, posters, video submissions, etc.) favoured outside academia, given the interdisciplinary nature of the conference, recognising that different groups express themselves in various formats and mediums.

We seek submissions on any of the following themes:

Defining Intimacy: What is intimacy?; How and where to locate intimacy?; Should we re-think the idea of intimacy?; Cultural meanings; Identity and belonging; Structures, institutions and systems; Economics and intimacy; Work and intimacy; Acts and interactions; Representations and symbols

Defining Love: What is love?; How and where to locate love?; should we re-think the idea of love?; Cultural meanings; Identity and belonging; Structures, institutions and systems; Economics and love; Work and love; Acts and interactions; Representations and symbols.

Love, Desire, Lust and Sex: Persons and the search for meaning; Social norms that rule the intimacies of our lives; The death or killing of love, desire, lust, or sex; Commitment and obligation; Choice, respect, loyalty and trust; The secular and the religious - the heretical and the sacred; Personhood and identity without love, desire, lust or sex
Relationships: Defining familial relationships: blood and heritage versus choice and happenstance; Defining friendship; Defining romantic relationships; Persons, acquaintances, others and the needs of strangers; Intimacies between strangers; Historical, literary, and personal perspectives; Meaning, obligation, identity and belonging; Loving and caring for children, siblings, and parents; Hospitality and bonds of care

Self: Selfhood intimacies and pleasures of the self; Soul, emotions, ideas and the inner-self; Dreams, fantasies and desire - symbols, meaning and the unconscious; Time, space, solitude and the recognition of self and the inner-self; Body rituals: aesthetics, playfulness, health and functions; Alienation, madness, crisis of the self, despair and suicide
Technology: How does technology change how we love and seek love?; Creating and fostering community; Creating and maintaining long-distance relationships; The impact of technology on our currently lived intimate relationships; Technology fails and its impact on relationships; Empowerment/disempowerment narratives; Ghosting and its impact; Virtual versus 'In Real Life' (IRL) relationships

The Political: Inequality, power relations, and intimacy; Normativity and normalization - difference and dissidence; Productivity, efficiency, and the dwindling of free time; Homogeneity, identity and intimacy; The democratisation of intimate relations; Freedom, personhood, resistance and rebellion
Vulnerability and Shame: What does it mean to be vulnerable?; Intimacy and vulnerability; Love and vulnerability; Our authentic selves: Intimacy and shame; Love and shame

When Relationships End or Fail: What does it mean when relationships end?; Norms, agreements and expectations; Betrayal, cheating and infidelity; The loss of intimacy - the destruction of trust; Isolation, alienation, loneliness and estrangement; Conflict, breakdown, crisis and the demise of relationships; Separation, mourning and bereavement; unlinking and unloving; Unrequited love: Rejection.

We also welcome additional proposal themes related to intimacy and love.

What to Send

300 word abstracts, proposals and other forms of contribution should be submitted by Friday 28th October 2016.
All submissions be minimally double reviewed, under anonymous (blind) conditions, by a global panel drawn from members of the Project Team and the Advisory Board. In practice our procedures usually entail that by the time a proposal is accepted, it will have been triple and quadruple reviewed.

You will be notified of the panel's decision by Friday 11th November 2016.
If your submission is accepted for the conference, a full draft of your contribution should be submitted by Friday 3rd March 2017.

Abstracts may be in Word, RTF or Notepad formats with the following information and in this order:
a) author(s), b) affiliation as you would like it to appear in programme, c) email address, d) title of proposal, e) body of proposal, f) up to 10 keywords.
E-mails should be entitled: Persons, Intimacy and Love Abstract Submission

Further details and information can be found at the conference website:

Details about our reviewing policy can be found here:

Where to Send

Abstracts should be submitted simultaneously to both Organising Chairs:

Organising Chairs:

Kristine Seitz:

Rob Fisher:

Conference Outcomes and Outputs

The conferences we organise form a continual stream of conversations, activities and projects which grow and evolve in different directions. The outcomes and 'outputs' which can productively flow from these is a dynamic response to the gatherings themselves. And as our meetings are attended by people from different backgrounds, professions and vocations, the range of desirable outcomes are potentially diverse, fluid and appropriate to what took place.

All accepted papers presented at the conference are eligible to be selected for publication in a hard copy paperback volume (the structure of which is to be determined post conference and subject to certain criteria). The selection and review process is outlined in the conference materials. Other publishing options may also become available. Potential editors will be chosen from interested conference delegates.

Additional possible outputs include: paperback volumes; journals; open volume on-line annuals; social media outputs (Facebook pages, blogs, wikis, Twitter and so on); collaboration platforms; reviews; reports; policy statements; position papers; declarations of principles; proposals for future meetings, workshops, courses and schools; proposals for personal and professional development opportunities (cultural cruises, summer schools, personal enrichment programmes, faculty development, mentoring programmes, consultancies); and other options you would like us to consider.


Inter-Disciplinary.Net believes it is a mark of personal courtesy and professional respect to your colleagues that all delegates should attend for the full duration of the meeting. If you are unable to make this commitment, please do not submit an abstract for presentation.

Please note: Inter-Disciplinary.Net is a not-for-profit network and we are not in a position to be able to assist with conference travel or subsistence.

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