Visitor Number

Monday, September 12, 2016

International Conference on Learning, Teaching, and Student Success '16 at Montana State University


International Conference on Learning, Teaching, and Student Success (ICLTSS'16)
Montana State University
November 3-5, 2016

CONFERENCE THEME: We're All in This Together: A Community Commitment to Student Success

Abstract Submission Deadline: SEPTEMBER 30, 2016

Dear Colleague:

The ICLTSS'16 Organizing Committee is pleased to invite you to the campus of Montana State University for a global gathering of professionals committed to engaging in a broad discussion of "student success." As the conference theme suggests, ICLTSS organizers encourage the view that student success is everyone's business and the journey from kindergarten to career is a path inhabited by a wide variety of community stakeholders.

ICLTSS'16 is a place for academic researchers, higher education faculty/administrators/students, Student Affairs practitioners, K-12 teachers/administrators, policymakers, and others. We will share research and best practices, discuss how students can develop a mindset and attitude for success in education and beyond; along with how we as practitioners guide students through this process. The conference program will consist of keynote speeches, interactive workshops, panel discussions, oral and poster presentations, and opportunities for networking with a broad group of global professionals.

ICLTSS'16 is being held in Bozeman, Montana, located in the heart of the Rocky Mountains, Bozeman is truly a remarkable community and is known for its natural beauty and plentiful outdoor recreation opportunities. Join colleagues from around the world who care deeply about student success.


* Dr. David Laude (Senior Vice Provost and Professor of Chemistry, The University of Texas at Austin)
* Dr. Terrell Strayhorn (Professor, Department of Educational Studies, Center for Higher Education Enterprise, The Ohio State University)
* Dr. Judy Willis (Graduate School of Education, University of California Santa Barbara)
* Dr. Terry Doyle (Professor Emeritus, Ferris State University)
* Dr. Omid Fotuhi (Project Manager / Research Associate, Stanford University)


- Oral Presentation: An opportunity to share research findings, theoretical or practical recommendations, lessons learned, and educational best practices. (20 minutes)

- Interactive Workshop: Workshops are oriented toward teaching practice or hands-on learning with less focus on lecturing. Workshops provide participants the opportunity to participate actively. (90 minutes)

- Poster Presentation: A poster session is a visually explanatory exhibit that allows for short, informal discussions between the presenter(s) and attendees, as attendees circulate around the various posters. (60 minutes)

- Absentee Presentation: For those who are unable to join in person, we offer the opportunity to participate as an Absentee Presenter. Absentee Presenters can upload a narrated presentation to our website, have her/his abstract printed in the Conference Program Book, and submit a Conference Proceedings paper.

- Non-Presenter (Listener): For those interested in attending to participate in the various presentations and workshop sessions.


* Advising and Counseling for Student Success
* Building Organizational Capacity for Student Success
* Domestic and International Diversity
* Engagement
* Policy, Research and Evaluation
* Retention and Persistence
* Student Transitions
* Student Success in the Classroom
* Technology


You can submit your abstract proposals until September 30, 2016. The Program Committee strongly encourages earlier submissions due to the limited number of presentation slots available. Presentation slots are on a first-come, first-served basis.

Please consult with Call for Proposals page of the conference website for more detailed information.


All papers that meet the 21st Century Academic Forum's Conference Proceedings guidelines will be published in our online Conference Proceedings (ISSN: 2330-1236). The editors of our peer-reviewed Journal of 21st Century Education (ISSN: 2330-1244) select the best papers from the Conference Proceedings to appear in thematic issues of the journal.

The ICLTSS'16 Organizing Committee is pleased to invite you to join us at Montana State University in Bozeman, Montana. See you in November!

Web address:
Organized by: Montana State University

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