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Wednesday, August 31, 2016

CUI '16 / 4th International Contemporary Urban Issues Conference

CUI '16 / IV. International Contemporary Urban Issues Conference on INFORMALITY

Istanbul, Turkey

Papers will be published in DAKAM's online library and in the proceedings e-book (with an ISBN number), which will be given to you in a DVD box and will be sent to be reviewed in the "Thomson & Reuters WOS' Conference Proceedings Citation Index-CPCI"

Web address:!cui/kl6zl



CUI '16 / IV. International Contemporary Urban Issues Conference will be held at Nippon Meeting Halls in Istanbul. The conference is coordinated by DAKAM (Eastern Mediterranean Academic Research Center) and will be organized by BILSAS (Science, Art, Sport Productions).
Since 2013, more than two hundred presentations by scholars from different places of the world has been hosted by CUI Conferences and three proceedings books have been published.

The conference aims at fostering discussions of theory and research on urban issues. Focusing on a multidimensional urban phenomenon, this international conference aims to deepen the understanding of informality by opening it to discussion with contributions from various disciplines like architecture, urban planning, sociology, history, economy and anthropology.

Emergence of informality as a concept in scholarly discussions can be traced back to the 1970s when "the informal sector" was first used by ILO reports on employment and poverty. The results of the global economic restructuring -such as the flexibilization of production and employment relations, deterioration of collective responsibility and welfare functions of the state- damage the security of urban poor in terms of housing and working. Meanwhile, recent socio economic public policies seem to intensify the condition of informality. Now, it is widely accepted that informal way of living is a necessity for the urban poor as a survival strategy. Hence, informal work and housing constitute a significant proportion of urban economies and policies.

What is new in the neo-liberal age is the extending scope of informality. Today, the boundary between the formal and informal is blurred more than before since most urbanites, including the middle classes, experience both formal and informal encounters in their everyday life. Besides, even the urban rich contribute to informality by the development projects on the invaded peripheral land. Consequently, contemporary informality affects not just a marginal segment of the society but a majority of people living in urban space.



Alan Gilbert, Emeritus Professor, University College London

Alan Gilbert has a first class degree in social sciences from Birmingham University and a doctorate from the London School of Economics. He has been awarded the degree of Doctor of Literature by the University of London and elected as a member of the Academy of Learned Societies for the Social Sciences. He worked at University College London for over forty years and is now an emeritus professor at that institution.
He has published extensively on housing, poverty and urban problems in developing countries and particularly those inLatin America. He has authored or co-authored nine books, edited four others and written more than one hundred and fifty academic articles. Recently, he has acted as adviser to the Inter-American Development Bank, UN-HABITAT and the UNHigh Commission for Human Rights.

Professor Dr. Yurdanur Dülgeroglu



Track 01: Rethinking Informality

Track 02: Transportation, Planning and Local Administrations

Track 03: Policy Matters and Political Transformations

Track 04: Economy, Inequality and Urban Space

Track 05: Ecology and Urban Studies



Prof. Oren Yiftachel, Ben-Gurion University
Prof. Dr. Sigrun Prahl, Hochschule Niederrhein Design
Prof. Dr. Ebru Çubukçu, Dokuz Eylül University
Prof. Dr. Ali Türk, Süleyman Demirel University
Associate Professor A. Serap Tunçer, Ahi Evran University
Associate Professor Feride Önal, Y?ld?z Technical University
Associate Professor Yelda Ayd?n Türk, Karadeniz Technical University
Associate Professor Evrim Töre, Kültür University
Associate Professor Murat Sahin, Özyegin University
Associate Professor Hayat Zengin, Dokuz Eylul University
Associate Professor Gülin Beyhan, Süleyman Demirel University
Assistant Professor Ulas Sunata- Bahçesehir University
Assistant Professor Elvan Erkmen - Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University
Assistant Professor Aysem Ela Kaçel- Bahçe?ehir University
Assistant Professor Y?ld?z Aksoy, Istanbul Ayd?n University
Assistant Professor Çigdem Canbay Türky?lmaz, Y?ld?z Technical University
Assistant Professor Sanem Özen Turan, Karadeniz Technical University
Assistant Professor Erbatur Çavusoglu, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University
Assistant Professor Ebru Kamac?, Erciyes University
Assistant Professor Efe Duyan, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University
Dr. Giulio Giovannoni, Tenured Researcher, University of Florence
Lecturer Valeria Federighi, Politecnico di Torino
Asst. Prof. Maria Siti, National Technical University of Athens
MSc. Julia Hartmann



Abstract submission:
AUGUST 19, 2016

OCTOBER 14, 2016

Full papers submission:
OCTOBER 21, 2016



+90 212 244 23 03

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