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Saturday, October 24, 2015

ISI Proceedings Conference: 7th International LUMEN Conference: LUMEN MEPDEV2015

ISI Proceedings Conference: 7th International LUMEN Conference: LUMEN MEPDEV2015
12th to 14th November 2015
Targoviste, Romania

This edition aims to bring in debate the current frameworks of multidimensional education and professional development, under the considerations of ethical valuing, in a global and multicultural context. We strongly encourage the submission of papers focused on ethical values. There are expected and encouraged the transdisciplinary approaches that overcome the existing cleavage between theory and empiric.

LUMEN MEPDEV2015 Call for Papers:

Normal registration extended: 1st of November 2015

We kindly invite you to submit your registration to LUMEN - MEPDEV2015 International Conference. Manner of presentation:
oral, poster, virtual


We have the great pleasure to invite you to take part in the associated events to the 7th edition of LUMEN International Conference: MEPDEV LUMEN 2015, between 12- 14 November 2015, in Targoviste, Romania.

Workshop 1: Publication Ethics

Coordinator: Associate professor PhD Daniela CUTAS, Umea University and the University of Gothenburg (SWEDEN); Workshop CODE: WSMEPDEV01
The aim of this class is to stimulate awareness of the variety of current practices in research publication and of the many pitfalls that are embedded in this essential part of research life.
Target group: PhD students in particular but also anyone who works in research and publishes or will publish research papers or who evaluates research.

Workshop 2: Fireworks of Posthuman Stimuli
Coordinator: PhD Stefan Lorenz SORGNER, University of Erfurt (GERMANY); Workshop CODE: WSMEPDEV02
We are in an age where paradigm shifts occur in many fields of the life world. The coming about of the posthuman perspective is particularly relevant in this context. It is related to the following insights:
A move from a dualist towards a non-dualist anthropology.
A radical increase of anthropotechniques with the power of enhancing human capacities so that the likelihood of the coming about of the posthuman can be increased.
The posthuman can come about by means of digital technologies or with the help of biotechnologies whereby the field of genetics is particularly relevant.
These three basic insights lead to great amount of intellectual, social, political, ethical and economic challenges. Here I will present a selection of emerging questions. By means of a fireworks of intellectual stimuli I will present suggestion how they can be addressed in an appropriate manner.

Workshop 3: Best practices in Science education, with an emphasis on exploiting the Responsible Research and Innovation dimensions
Coordinators: Prof. Gabriel Gorghiu, Lect. Gabriela Alina Anghel, Lect. Ana-Maria Aurelia Petrescu Valahia University Tagoviste (Romania); Workshop CODE: WSMEPDEV03

Aim: To identify models of best educational practices that exploit the dimensions of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) in Science Education
Target group: teachers who have implemented / disseminated in classroom scientific contents, interested of exploiting RRI and the 6E model, didacticians, researchers, education stakeholders.

Workshop 4: Health Education in the modern curriculum
Coordinators: Prof. Claudia Lavinia Buruleanu, Lect. Gabriela Alina Anghel, Asist. Camelia Delia Voicu Valahia University Tagoviste (ROMANIA); Workshop CODE: WSMEPDEV04

Aim: To identify the best practices related to the implementation of competency-based curriculum for health education and related disciplines.
Target group: teachers from pre-primary, primary and secondary education who teach disciplines from health education area and / or related disciplines.

Please subscribe to any of our workshops you like, by sending us an email to with the following information.

Workshop Code:

The participation is included in the participation fee.

LUMEN MEPDEV2015 Publication opportunities:

- ISI Proceedings Volume Publication (ISBN)
The proceedings volume of the Conference will be proposed to ISI Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Thomson Reuters to be included in the list.
- Publication in Journals covered in International Databases (ISSN) - special issue of LUMEN journals
Postmodern Openings -
Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala -
LUMEN - Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty (Social Sciences, Philosophy and Humanities, Law and Political Sciences, Economy)

Web address:
Sponsored by: Asociatia LUMEN
Facebook official page:

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