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Friday, January 9, 2015

ACSS 2015 - The Sixth Asian Conference on the Social Sciences

The International Academic Forum (IAFOR) invites you to participate in the Sixth Asian Conference on the Social Sciences (ACSS2015) and enjoy the great city of Kobe, Japan.

Held alongside the Fifth Asian Conference on Sustainability, Energy and the Environment, at the Art Center of Kobe from June 11-14, 2015, join us as we discuss this year's conference themes, "Power" along with keynote speakers Professor Yozo Yokota (Director of the Center for Human Rights Affairs, Japan), Mr. Lowell Sheppard (Hope International, Japan), conference chair Professor Stuart D. B. Picken (IAFOR, Japan), and more!

ACSS/ACSEE2014 welcomed over 350 delegates, from more than 40 countries, and looks to continue the conversation with ACSS2015. We hope to see you in Kobe for this amazing annual event. To submit an abstract for presentation or participate as an audience member, please visit the website or contact us for more information.

Submit your abstract:
Web address:

Join IAFOR at ACSS2015 to:

-Deliver your own research findings to a global audience
-Have your work published in the conference proceedings and considered for peer-reviewed, open access IAFOR Journals
-Benefit from IAFOR's interdisciplinary focus by hearing the latest research in both the Social Sciences and Sustainability, Energy and the Environment
-Participate in a truly international, interdisciplinary and intercultural event
-Participate in interactive sessions
-Access international networking opportunities
-Experience Japan

Discounts on registration fees are available for those able to pay registration fees early. Please see the registration page for details:

If you have attended an IAFOR conference within the past year, or belong to an affiliated university or organization, we offer a 10 percent discount in appreciation of your support.

Questions can be directed to

Conference Theme: "Power"

Power as a commodity has challenged the minds of social scientists and philosophers while its exercise has always fascinated historians. From classical thinkers' works such as Aristotle's Politka or Machiavelli's Il Principe through modern figures who manipulate power in the media, like Silvio Berlusconi or Rupert Murdoch, to the vast networks that support major heads of state, power has been a necessity to some or like an aphrodisiac to others. The dynamics of power and its associations with wealth and status now shape the contemporary world more visibly than ever. It is a research challenge to all fields of the social sciences to offer some explanation of its magnetism and its mechanisms. We expect this theme to excite a number of stimulating research paths, and look forward to their outcomes as we gather in Osaka in 2015.

The organizers encourage submissions that approach this theme from a variety of perspectives. However, the submission of other topics for consideration is welcome and we also encourage sessions within and across a variety of inter/disciplinary and theoretical perspectives. Submissions are organized into the following thematic streams:

-Anthropology, Archaeology, Cultural Studies and Humanities
-Cognitive and Behavioral Sciences
-Computational Social Science
-Cultural and Media Studies
-Economics and Management
-Education and Social Welfare
-Demography, Human Geography and Population Studies
-Ethnicity, Difference, Identity
-Globalization and Internationalization
-Immigration, Refugees, Race, Nation
-Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Gender
-International Relations and Human Rights
-Journalism and Communications
-Natural, Environmental and Health Sciences
-Politics, Philosophy, Ethics, Consciousness
-Politics, Public Policy, Law and Criminology
-Psychology and Social Psychology
-Research Methodologies, Quantitative and Qualitative
-Social History
-Social Work
-Teaching and Learning
-Technology and Applied Sciences
-Urban Studies

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