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Thursday, April 25, 2013

Job Openings as on 25th April 2013

U P C O M I N G  D E A D L I N E S:
Research Fellowship at the Department of  Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering - Politecnico di Milano
Politecnico di Milano - Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering
JEL classification(s): L, M, O
To be found at:

PostDoc Fellowship
 Cologne Graduate School in Management, Economics and Social Sciences
JEL classification(s): C, D, E, G, L, M
To be found at:

Assistant Professor
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
JEL classification(s): Q, Z
To be found at:

Doctoral scholarships and doctoral positions at the Munich Graduate School of Economics (MGSE)
Department of Economics, LMU Munich
JEL classification(s): A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, L, N, O, P, Q, R, Z
To be found at:

PhD Fellowships
Cologne Graduate School in Management, Economics and Social Sciences
JEL classification(s): C, D, E, G, J, L, M, P
To be found at:

10 Doctoral Positions at the International Graduate Program "Evidence-Based Economics"
International Graduate Program "Evidence-Based Economics"
JEL classification(s): A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, L, N, O, P, Q, R, Z
To be found at:

Research Assistant/Associate - Macroeconomics, Applied Econometrics, and Labor Economics
RWTH Aachen University
JEL classification(s): C, D, E, J
To be found at:

N E W  J O B   O P E N I N G S :

Junior Economics Lecturer (1.0 fte)
Utrecht University School of Economics (USE)
JEL classification(s): A, C, D, E, G
To be found at:

wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (m/w)
Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
JEL classification(s): M
To be found at:

EIB's Second Social Innovation Tournament
The Social Innovation Tournament established by the EIB Institute in 2012 is the flagship initiative of its Social Programme. The Tournament seeks to promote the generation of innovative ideas and identify/reward opportunities promising substantial societal benefits or demonstrating best practices with tangible, scalable outcomes. It targets the creation of social value in relation to the fight against social exclusion. It thus covers projects in a wide range of fields, from education and health care to natural or urban environment, through new technologies, new systems, and new processes. Improvements in these fields are critical to business success, and social innovation could have a substantial social impact. With the introduction of a Special Category Prize in 2013, additional emphasis will be given to urban and natural environment.
For details on the 2013 edition please visit the tournament's website:!

Junior Professorship (W1) (for a period of three years) of International Trade
Department of Economics - Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU)
JEL classification(s): F
To be found at:

Post-Doctoral Researcher in Finance
Ghent University
JEL classification(s): F, G
To be found at:

Assistant Professor Statistics
LUISS Guido Carli  University - Department of Business and Management
JEL classification(s): C
To be found at:

Assistant Professor - Economics and Business Management
LUISS Guido Carli  University - Department of Business and Management
JEL classification(s): M
To be found at:

Economics Job Market Survey 2013
 We would like to invite you to take part in the Economics Job Market Survey 2013.
 Please simply follow this link:
A report, based on the findings form the survey, will be published later this year.

Junior (Business) Economics Lecturer (1.0 fte)
Utrecht University School of Economics (USE)
JEL classification(s): A, M
To be found at:

Researcher Political Economy
LUISS Guido Carli University - Department of Political Science
JEL classification(s): E, F, H, P
To be found at:

Researcher -  Logic, History and Philosophy of Science
LUISS Guido Carli University - Department of Political Science
JEL classification(s): B, H, Z
To be found at:

Professor (W 3) in Public Economics and Economic Policy
Ruhr Universität Bochum
JEL classification(s): A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, Z
To be found at:

Visit the INOMICS Blog for regular updates in the world of economics.
Check out our latest articles:
Global Job Market: Spanish Professionals Move to South America -
How to Finance your PhD -

Senior Researcher
Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Central and Eastern Europe (IAMO)
JEL classification(s): C, D, F, N, Q
To be found at:

Professor of Finance (M/F)
The University of Luxembourg
JEL classification(s): A
To be found at:

Associate Professor of Finance, with a specialisation in Financial Economics (M/F)
University of Luxembourg
JEL classification(s): A
To be found at:

Full-time PhD research positions in Finance at the University of Namur (Belgium)
University of Namur
JEL classification(s): C, E, F, G
To be found at:

Full-time PhD research positions in Finance at the Université catholique de Louvain (Belgium)
CORE, Universite catholique de Louvain
JEL classification(s): C, E, F, G
To be found at:

W3-Professorship "International Agricultural Trade and Development"
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
JEL classification(s): Q
To be found at:

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter/-innen "Wettbewerb und Regulierung"
Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung GmbH (ZEW)
JEL classification(s): D, K, L
To be found at:

Research Associate für Professur Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen, University of Hamburg
Fachbereich Volkswirtschaftslehre, Fakultät Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften Universität Hamburg
JEL classification(s): A, E, F
To be found at:

One 70% - Assistant Position in Financial Economics or Quanti-tative Finance
University of St. Gallen, Faculty of Mathematics and Statistics
JEL classification(s): A, C, E, G, Z
To be found at:

Wissenschaftliche(n) Assistentin oder Assistenten
Swiss Institute of Empirical Economic Research - University of St. Gallen
JEL classification(s): D, F, H, I
To be found at:

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter Ökonometrie/Research Assistant Econometrics
Universität Duisburg-Essen
JEL classification(s): C, E
To be found at:

Assistant Professor Policy Analysis and Public Management
Bocconi University
JEL classification(s): B, F, H, I, N, P
To be found at:

Stellenangebot Fast-Track-Doktorandenstelle für sehr gute Bachelorabsolventen
University of Zurich, Department of Business Administration
JEL classification(s): C, I, J, L, M
To be found at:

RWI sucht Volkswirtin/Volkswirt (Diplom oder Master) zur Mitarbeit im Büro Berlin, Kennziffer 70098-04/13
Rheinisch-Westfälisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (RWI)
JEL classification(s): C, D, Q
To be found at:

Zwei Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter/innen am Institut für Wirtschaftswissenschaft der TU Clausthal
Technische Universität Clausthal
JEL classification(s): M, Z
To be found at:

Professor of Econometrics and Empirical Economics
University of Graz
JEL classification(s): A, C, E, J
To be found at:

Volkswirt/Wirtschaftsinformatiker (m/w) oder verwandtes Fachgebiet mit Diplom oder Master
Fraunhofer-Institut für Angewandte Informationstechnik, Abteilung Mikromodelle (FIT.R-PRO.MIKMOD)
JEL classification(s): C, H
To be found at:

Assistant, Associate and Full Professors in Economics
Indian Institute of technology kanpur (IIT Kanpur)
JEL classification(s): C, D, E, F, G, I, J, K, L, O
To be found at:

Professur mit dem Lehr- und Forschungsgebiet: ?Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insbesondere Internationales Distributionsmanagement?
Fachhochschule Düsseldorf
JEL classification(s): M
To be found at:

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter/in
IAAEU - Universität Trier
JEL classification(s): J, K
To be found at:

Promovierte/r Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter/in
IAAEU - Universität Trier
JEL classification(s): J, K, M
To be found at:

PhD / Research Assistant Positions in the field of Quantitative Marketing
University of Mannheim / Mannheim Business School
JEL classification(s): D, L, M
To be found at:

Research Assistants (m/f)
Deutsche Bundesbank
JEL classification(s): C, E, G
To be found at:

Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in am Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftspolitik an der TU-Dortmund
TU Dortmund
JEL classification(s): A, D, L
To be found at:

Full Professorship for Statistics and Econometrics
Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Cologne
JEL classification(s): C
To be found at:

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