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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Global Conference on Women and Gender

Global Conference on Women and Gender
20th to 22nd March 2025
Newport News, Virginia, United States of America

Featuring Keynote Speaker Barbara Hamm Lee, this interdisciplinary conference on Women and Gender is organized around women's stories. Our definition of "story" is deliberately vast and inclusive, and may refer to a personal account, historical or contemporary representation, or any form of expression that illustrates the breadth of women's experiences. Historically, many women's stories have been silenced, overlooked, or filtered through outside perspectives. This conference offers an opportunity to recover, share, and pass them on. We may ask, to what extent is storytelling gendered? What can we learn from women's stories that were previously untold? What roles do the categories of race, sexuality, class, and/or ability play in narrating women's stories? What does it mean to tell the story of a woman's life or to recover a forgotten story from the past?

In the spirit of the theme, we envision a conference that brings together a variety of voices from multiple disciplines, organizations, and communities. As such, the format will feature a diverse selection of panels, roundtables, workshops, and creative sessions. For example, while faculty participants may consider presenting on their scholarship, they are also encouraged to share personal experiences within academia. Artists may highlight the performing arts' pivotal role in narrative-based storytelling and collective sharing through a formal presentation or live performance. Community activists, entrepreneurs, and business leaders may share their own personal trajectories and create opportunities for networking and dialogue among attendees.

In an effort to highlight the wide range of women's stories that deserve our attention, we invite academic researchers, community organizers, and leaders from business, nonprofit, education, and government sectors to participate. We also encourage submissions from undergraduate students.

Sponsored by: Christopher Newport University

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