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Wednesday, May 22, 2024


PHOENIX ARIZONA and Virtual | Mediated Cities Conference Series

SOCIETY. SPACES. SCREENS - an international collaboration between:

Arizona State University, USA
Yonsei University, SOUTH KOREA
Cesar University School, BRAZIL

Dates: 11-13 December, 2024

Place: Phoenix, Arizona and Virtual

Abstracts: 30 June, 2024 (Round 1) | 20 October, 2024 (Round 2)


Part of the AMPS and Intellect Book MEDIATED CITIES SERIES.



Journal Special Issue - UCL Press
Book: Intellect Books Scholars Publishing
Proceedings: AMPS

Indexed with: EBSCO, DOAJ, Web of Science (ESCI), Ulrichsweb, JURN, ANVUR, ScienceOpen and more


Today, the spaces and societies in which we live are infused with media. Simultaneously, there are places and practices untouched and unaltered by the effects of technology - whether due to a lack of resources or a reactionary response to change. The questions this raises are boundless and interlinked. They are relevant across spaces, times and disciplines: architecture, urbanism, heritage, sociology, transport, business, education, politics and more.

In response to this scenario, "SOCIETY. SPACES. SCREENS" asks you to critique contemporary practice in your own discipline. It asks whether it has, or has not, been altered by advances in technologies and medias. For example, CAD involves new modes of design in architecture, while architects champion participatory planning. Urban data informs the management of cities, while the phenomenological experience of space is central to its use. Spatial computing brings disruptive change to public engagement and the 'democratic process'. At the same time, there are political forces rejecting a future of remote and absentee voting. Social media alters how we interact in spatial settings, yet reports daily on acts in physical space.

In every discipline then, technological advances find their analogue parallels. In exploring the interconnected questions we face today when critiquing the society and spaces in which we live from this perspective, this conference is open to various questions and welcomes contributions from across disciplines.




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