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Tuesday, May 14, 2024

New Schools of Thought

LOS ANGELES + Virtual | ROUTLEDGE - Focus on Pedagogy Conference Series

NEW SCHOOLS OF THOUGHT - an international collaboration between:

California State University, Los Angeles, USA
University of Los Andes, CHILE
Catholic University of Parahyangan, INDONESIA
Routledge, Taylor and Francis, UK
University College London Press, UK

Dates: 8th - 10th January, 2025

Place: Los Angeles, California, USA and Virtual

Abstracts: 1st July, 2024 (Round 1) | 15th November, 2024 (Round 2)


Part of the AMPS and Intellect Book MEDIATED CITIES SERIES.



Journal Special Issue - UCL Press
Book: Routledge
Proceedings: AMPS

Indexed with: EBSCO, DOAJ, Web of Science (ESCI), Ulrichsweb, JURN, ANVUR, ScienceOpen and more.


21st Century education has changed beyond all recognition. Virtual teaching, flipped classrooms, ungrading, collective syllabi and the teacher as learner are concepts that, for many traditionalists, are foreign terrains. The issues at play are multiple, varied and often polemic. In some instances, it results in calls for a 'return' to what is tried and trusted - tests, grades and rote learning. In others, there are calls for more creative, critical and 'evolved' approaches - further pushing the boundaries of how we conceive knowledge and its application. In short, there are calls for ever newer schools of thought.

Aiming to explore these broad and interrelated issues, New Schools of Thought - Critical Thinking and Creative Teaching, brings together three universities and two publishers seeking to better understand the emerging, evolving and established schools of thought in contemporary education.

You are invited to submit an abstract.


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