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Saturday, November 18, 2017

The European Conference on the Social Sciences (ECSS2018)

Conference Theme – "Surviving and Thriving: In Pursuit of a Sustainable World"

Religious, cultural and societal fractures have seen rises in authoritarianism and nationalism across the world, and threats and perceived threats have been used to justify the stifling and marginalisation of voices of opposition and dissent. Hard-won progress and freedoms are being questioned and undermined, and questions of peace, security and human security abound. In this period of great global social, economic, political and environmental instability, the future is for many a place of great uncertainty and fear.

However, in any period of great change, and undoubted challenge, there is also a great opportunity to harness and nurture these forces. The future is not yet written, and the powerful heuristic of sustainability has become a reality in many areas, where human creativity, imagination and technological advances have helped to make the world a better place. From small individual initiatives within families, communities and places of work, to the larger and more long-term development initiatives of governments and supranational institutions, exemplified by the UN's 2030 goals, human resourcefulness is being used in pursuit of the common goal of a sustainable world.

The European Conference on the Social Sciences 2018 (ECSS2018) is a multidisciplinary conference held concurrently with The European Conference on Sustainability, Energy & the Environment 2018 (ECSEE2018). Keynote, Featured and Spotlight Speakers will provide a variety of perspectives from different academic and professional backgrounds. Registration for either of these conferences permits attendance in both.

In conjunction with our Global Partners, including the University of Sussex and Birkbeck, University of London, we look forward to extending you a warm welcome in 2018.

– The ECSS2018 Organising Committee
Dr Eddie Bruce-Jones, Birkbeck College School of Law, University of London, UK
Professor Anne Boddington, Kensington University, UK
Dr James W. McNally, University of Michigan, USA & NACDA Program on Aging
Professor Ljiljana Markovic, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Dr Evangelia Chrysikou, University College London, UK
Professor Kwame Akyeampong, University of Sussex, UK
Dr Joseph Haldane, The International Academic Forum (IAFOR), Japan


***Key Information
Venue & Location: The Jurys Inn Brighton Waterfront, Brighton, UK
Dates: Friday, July 06, 2018 to Saturday, July 07, 2018
Conference Theme: "Surviving and Thriving: In Pursuit of a Sustainable World"
Early Bird Abstract Submission Deadline: February 20, 2018*
Early Bird Abstract Registration Deadline: March 20, 2018*
Final Abstract Submission Deadline: April 20, 2018
Registration Deadline for Presenters: May 21, 2018
*Submit early to take advantage of the discounted registration rates. Learn more about our registration options.


***Call for Papers –

The conference theme for ECSS is "Surviving and Thriving: In Pursuit of a Sustainable World", and the organisers encourage submissions that approach this theme from a variety of perspectives. However, the submission of other topics for consideration is welcome and we also encourage sessions across a variety of interdisciplinary and theoretical perspectives.

Submissions are organised into the following thematic streams. Abstracts can be submitted through the conference website:

– Anthropology, Archaeology, Cultural Studies and Humanities
– Cognitive and Behavioral Sciences
– Computational Social Science
– Cultural and Media Studies
– Economics and Management
– Education and Social Welfare
– Demography, Human Geography & Population Studies
– Ethnicity, Difference, Identity
– Globalization and Internationalization
– Immigration, Refugees, Race, Nation
– Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Gender
– International Relations & Human Rights
– Journalism and Communications
– Linguistics
– Natural, Environmental and Health Sciences
– Politics, Philosophy, Ethics, Consciousness
– Politics, Public Policy, Law & Criminology
– Psychology & Social Psychology
– Research Methodologies, Quantitative and Qualitative
– Social History
– Social Work
– Sociology
– Sustainability
– Teaching and Learning
– Technology and Applied Sciences
– Urban Studies
– Other

Submit your abstract:

Already had your abstract accepted? Register now:

To find out about registration packages, presentation options, conference events and more, please visit the conference website:


***IAFOR's Grants and Scholarships

For information about IAFOR's grants and scholarships for PhD students and early career academics, please visit:


***IAFOR Publishing Opportunities

**Peer-Reviewed Journal: IAFOR Journal of the Social Sciences

The IAFOR Journal of the Social Sciences ( is an editorially independent journal associated with IAFOR's conferences on the social sciences. The editor of the journal will select the strongest papers from associated Conference Proceedings and open call for consideration. This Open Access journal, which conforms to the highest academic standards, reflects the interdisciplinary and international nature of our conferences.

**Conference Proceedings

After having your abstract accepted and presenting your research at the conference, you are encouraged to submit a full paper for inclusion in the official Conference Proceedings. Our Conference Proceedings are Open Access research repositories that act as permanent records of the research generated by IAFOR conferences. Further details are available here:


THINK (, The Academic Platform, is IAFOR's online magazine, publishing the latest in interdisciplinary research and ideas from some of the world's foremost academics, many of whom have presented at IAFOR conferences. Content is varied in both subject and form, with everything from full research papers to shorter opinion pieces, interviews and media-themed articles.


***Join IAFOR at ECSS2018 to:

– Present to a global audience
– Have your work published in the Conference Proceedings and considered for peer-reviewed, Open Access journals
– Hear about the latest interdisciplinary research in the Social Sciences and more
– Participate in a truly international, interdisciplinary and intercultural event
– Take part in interactive audience sessions
– Network with international colleagues

**Register now to take advantage of Early Bird Registration prices. Early Bird Registration is open until the end of March 20, 2018. Lunch is included in all conference registrations.

Please see the registration page for details:

*If you have attended an IAFOR conference within the past year, or belong to an affiliated university or institution, we offer additional discounts in appreciation of your support. Please contact us at for details.


***About IAFOR

To learn more about IAFOR, please visit For enquiries please contact

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