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Wednesday, March 8, 2017

APMR2017- Second Asia-Pacific Conference on Multidisciplinary Research 2017

Dear Colleague,

Call for Papers

APMR2017- Second Asia-Pacific Conference on Multidisciplinary Research 2017
"Global Sustainability through Research and Development"
Colombo, Sri Lanka , 29-30 July 2017

Unique Conferences Canada and International Center for Research and Development are wish to announce that the Second Asia-Pacific Conference on Multidisciplinary Research 2017 which will be held on 29-30 July 2017 at the Renuka City Hotel, Colombo, Sri Lanka. You are invited to join this important event as a presenter or a listener.

APMR2017 is a 2 Day interactive international forum which creates an opportunity for academics, practitioners and PhD students to come together, review their research findings, exchange ideas, and discuss emerging issues in Multidisciplinary research.

All accepted abstracts will be published in the conference abstract book with a Canadian ISBN 978-0-9951985-9-x-x . The full papers will be accepted through a double blind reviewed process and will be published online and forwarded a copy to Canadian Archives for future preservation. We will submit the proceedings to be indexed in the Thomson Reuters, SCOPUS, Google Scholar for possible Indexing.

You are invited to submit an abstract to this important conference and join APMR2017 in Sri Lanka

The Benefits of attending APMR2017

- Global audience representing all 5 continents
- World class Keynote speakers
- Great networking opportunities
--Meet your international research collaborator
- One day Sri Lanka Discovery free study tour with lunch
Conference Networking dinner
Certificate by a leading Canadian organisation
- Publication of your paper with Canadian ISBN number (online)


Further, you will be able to share your experience with other experts and will learn the current trends in a truly international atmosphere because we expect presenters from more than 50 different countries will attend this premier global research conference.

Abstract submission:

Paper submission:

Conference web site:

Early bird registration deadline: 30 March 2017

We hope to meet you in Sri Lanka

Best wishes

Prof.Tennyson Samraj PhD
Burman University ,Canada
Conference Chair APMR2017

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