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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

New academic opportunities from the UNCTAD Virtual Institute

Dear friends,

I am pleased to forward the following academic opportunities from our members in Vietnam and Colombia. I hope you find them useful.

Vi core Vietnamese member, the Foreign Trade University, is offering 12 scholarships for individual modules of its newly launched Master of International Trade Policy and Law (MITPL), developed with Vi core Swiss member, the World Trade Institute. The scholarships will cover tuition of USD 120, round-trip airfare, and lodging of USD 80/day.

Although some of the modules have already begun, there is still time to apply for the following: Trade in Services (Nov. 18-22); International Rules for Agriculture and Food Security in Vietnam (Nov. 25-29); Trade and Investment Promotion (Dec. 9, 11; 13, 16-17; 18-19).

Applicants must hold at least a Bachelor's degree in in laws or economics from universities in ASEAN countries, or be Bachelor's holders from ASEAN countries currently enrolled in a Master's in law or economics at Vietnamese universities.

Applications must be received one month before starting of the module selected (students from the universities in ASEAN countries), or two weeks before starting of the module selected (international students in law or economics from Vietnamese universities).

For further information, contact:

Vi core Colombian member, Universidad EAFIT, would like to remind you that the deadline for submitting papers for the Latin American Chapter of the Academy of International Business (AIB-LAT) conference to be held March 20-22, is fast approaching.

Papers related to geographical aspects associated with innovation and internationalization in the Latin American context will be accepted until November 11.

For further information, contact: or

Best regards,

Susana Olivares
Virtual Institute
UNCTAD - United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
Division on Globalization and Development Strategies
Palais des Nations
1211 Geneva 10 - Switzerland
Phone: +41 22 917 5823 Fax: +41-22 917 0050

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