Online Workshops on Data analysis using ATLAS.ti & Regression test using SPSS, Jan 2025 @ LekSha Research Centre

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Monday, October 21, 2013

FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS: 24th International Business Research Conference

FINAL Call for Paper: 24th International Business Research Conference

DATES: 12-13 December, 2013

VENUE: Planet Hollywood Hotel, Las Vegas, USA

EXTENDED Paper Submission Deadline: 1 November 2013

EXTENDED Registration Deadline: 22 November 2013



Research papers related to all areas of Accounting, Banking, Finance, Economics, Management, Marketing, Business Law, Business Ethics, Business Educations and e-business and Business statistics are invited for the above international conference which is expected to be attended by the authors from nearly fifty countries. People without papers can also participate in this conference. This conference is sponsored by American Research and Publications International, USA, WBI London, UK and World Business Institute, Australia and by eight international peer reviewed journals, namely, Journal of Business and Policy Research, Journal of Accounting, Finance and Economics, Global Review of Accounting and Finance, Global Economy and Finance Journal, International Review of Business Research Papers, World Review of Business Research and World Journal of Social Sciences and World Journal of Management which are indexed by Cabell's Directory of USA.

In addition to mainstream session in English language, there will be special session for papers written in Spanish language.

Submission, Review Process and Announcement of Acceptance

Please submit your abstract and/or full paper by clicking on the "Submit Paper" link by the submission deadline. Please note you can submit paper any time before and including 1 November, 2013. All abstracts and /or full papers which will be reviewed anonymously and review outcome will be announced within 2 weeks after receipt of the paper. Please see the submission guidelines relating to how to submit your paper. You are also welcome to participate as session chair and such contribution will be mentioned in participation certificate.

Publication Opportunity, Benefits, Awards and conference proceedings:

Authors will have opportunity to publish their papers, accepted by any of the above journals after peer review, within 6-9 months subject to full compliance to review report, editorial comments, conference feedback and payment of applicable submission fees. In addition, all accepted abstract and/or full papers will be published in the online conference proceedings with ISBN via dedicated website which is visited by thousands of readers. Best Paper Awards will be announced from each track and such paper will be published in any of the above journals and a certificate will be issued to the winners. Unlike other conferences, we will provide you written feedback/review report on each paper presented. In addition, participation certificate and day-long feedings for 2 days will be provided.

Track Chairs:

Accounting: Professor Nick Koumbiadis, Adelphi University, USA
Banking and Economics: Professor William Lim, York University, Canada
Finance: Professor Marisol Cen Caamal, Universidad Anahuac Mayab, Mexico
Management: Professor John Okpara, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, USA
Marketing: Professor Peter Yannopoulos, Brock University, Canada

Further Information: Please visit links provided on website:

Or Contact: Ms. Nuha Jahan via

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