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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Qualitative and Quantitative Methods for Research in Social Sciences @ Centre for Multi-disciplinary Development Research Dharwar

Announcing a Capacity Building Programme for Faculty in Social Sciences

(From July 15 to 28, 2013)

Centre for Multi-disciplinary Development Research (CMDR), a national level institute for multi-disciplinary research and training in social sciences recognised by the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), is organising a capacity building programme for faculty in social sciences from 15th July 2013 to 28th July 2013. This programme is sponsored by Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi. The programme will be open to all faculty members of social science disciplines in research institutions, colleges and university UG/PG departments. Preference will be given to SC and women candidates. Those who are interested in attending the course must submit their application in the prescribed format to the Co-ordinator, Capacity Building Programme-2013, Centre for Multi-disciplinary Development Research (CMDR), Dr. BR Ambedkar Nagar, Near Y.Shettar Colony, Dharwad-580004, Karnataka or at the following e-mail address ( by May 30th 2013. The organisers will pay 3-tier AC fare and will take care of local hospitality for out-station participants.

Decisions on selection will be communicated by June 15th 2013. Application and details of the programme can be downloaded from links below.

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