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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

IMR Doctoral Conference 2013: Call for Submissions

IIMB Management Review (IMR) and the Office of the Fellow Programme in Management are organising its fifth annual Doctoral Students' Conference (IMRDC) at the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIMB) in December 2013. We invite paper submissions from doctoral students in management and the social sciences.  Our objective is to encourage doctoral students' research and facilitate collaborative work amongst researchers from different institutions.  We aim to provide a forum where insightful feedback from senior scholars within India and abroad would help improve the quality of students' work. 

The submissions will be reviewed by a Faculty Committee from which a subset of papers will be selected for presentation.  The conference will be held at IIM Bangalore.  Presenters of accepted papers will be provided accommodation and APEX domestic airfare.

Important Dates
Draft Submission:  15 August 2013
Final Submission:   15 September 2013
Date of Conference: December 2013 (dates to be announced soon)

- The conference is open to doctoral students who have commenced research on their thesis.
- Only one paper per student is allowed; co-authorship with faculty is permitted.
- The paper should not have been published, or accepted for publication, in any academic journal.
Submission Guidelines
- Students must first submit a draft of the paper to be followed with subsequent submission of the final paper.
- The draft must include an introduction, the research question and review of relevant literature, empirical or theoretical framework, data sources if any, and expected results.
- The final paper should be accompanied by the student's CV and a nomination letter from the concerned advisor/guide/faculty-member. The letter should comment on the quality and contribution of the paper to the student's research agenda, especially in the case of those who may not be at an advanced stage.
- The cover page of the draft and the final paper should contain the title of the paper, the name of the authors and the authors' affiliation. The rest of the draft and final paper should have no reference to authors.
- The draft and the final paper must be formatted in Times New Roman, 12 pt font with 1" margin on all sides.
- The full paper, inclusive of tables, figures and appendices, should be submitted in a single document. Two versions of the final paper must be submitted -- one in Microsoft Word and the other in pdf format.
- Selected papers will be considered for publication in IIMB Management Review subject to author approval.
Conference Chairs
Professor Manaswini Bhalla and Professor Chirantan Chatterjee, IIMB

For any enquiries please contact the IMRDC secretariat at the address below. All email queries should bear the subject line: IMRDC 2013
IMRDC Secretariat / IIMB Management Review, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore - 560 076, Phone: 91-80-26993099, Fax: 91-80-26584050

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